§ 14-103. Priority of preferences  

Latest version.

  •    (a) Supplies and services. -- A State or State aided or controlled entity shall buy supplies and services from:

       (1) Maryland Correctional Enterprises, as provided in Title 3, Subtitle 5 of the Correctional Services Article, if State Use Industries provides the supplies or services;

       (2) Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, if:

          (i) Blind Industries and Services of Maryland provides the supplies or services; and

          (ii) Maryland Correctional Enterprises does not provide the supplies or services;

       (3) the Employment Works Program established under § 14-108 of this subtitle, if:

          (i) a community service provider provides the supplies or services;

          (ii) neither Maryland Correctional Enterprises nor Blind Industries and Services of Maryland provides the supplies or services; and

          (iii) a State or State aided or controlled entity is not required by law to buy the supplies or services from any other unit of the State government; or

       (4) individual with disability owned businesses if:

          (i) an individual with disability owned business provides the supplies or services;

          (ii) neither Maryland Correctional Enterprises, Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, nor a community service provider provides the supplies or services; and

          (iii) a State or State aided or controlled entity is not required by law to buy the supplies or services from any other unit of the State government.

    (b) Preference. -- A State or State aided or controlled entity shall give preference to the providers listed under subsection (a) of this section in the order that the providers are listed.

    (c) Maintenance contracts with component for housekeeping or janitorial services. -- To the extent practicable, a State or State aided or controlled entity shall include in a maintenance contract that has a component for housekeeping or janitorial services, a requirement that a prime contractor procure janitorial products from Blind Industries and Services of Maryland when the specified products are available.

HISTORY: SF § 11-141, 11-142, 11-144; 1988, ch. 48, § 2; 1999, ch. 64; 2005, ch. 124; 2008, ch. 36, § 5; chs. 574, 575, 576, 577; 2013, ch. 343, § 1; ch. 605, § 1.