§ 16-201. Authority of Administration to cancel license; surrender of canceled license
§ 16-202. Suspending or revoking privileges of nonresidents; reporting convictions and suspensions to state of residence
§ 16-203. Suspension and restriction for child support arrearages
§ 16-204. In general
§ 16-205. Suspension or revocation on conviction of certain alcohol- or drug-related offenses
§ 16-205.1. Suspension or disqualification for refusal to submit to chemical tests for intoxication
§ 16-205.2. Preliminary breath test
§ 16-206. Authority of Administration to suspend, revoke, or refuse license
§ 16-206.1. Penalties for violation of § 7-104(h)
§ 16-207. Administration may require reexamination
§ 16-208. Period of suspension; reinstatement of revoked license
§ 16-208.1. Disqualification from operating commercial motor vehicles
§ 16-209. Fees for reinstatement of revoked driving privilege
§ 16-210. Surrender and return of license upon cancellation, suspension, or revocation; calculation of time periods regarding suspended, revoked, or restricted licenses
§ 16-211. No driving under refused, suspended, or revoked foreign license in this State
§ 16-212. Driver improvement and alcohol education programs and point system conferences
§ 16-212.1. Alcohol and drug abuse education
§ 16-213. Violations