§ 4-504. Disposal of property  

Latest version.

  •    (a) In general. -- The Secretary may dispose of excess personal property and surplus personal property as provided in this section.

    (b) Excess personal property. --

       (1) Whenever feasible, the Secretary shall dispose of excess personal property by transferring it to another unit of the State government.

       (2) The unit of the State government that receives the excess personal property shall pay any cost of the transfer.

    (c) Surplus personal property -- In general. -- The Secretary:

       (1) may dispose of any surplus personal property; and

       (2) shall seek to gain the maximum value for the State in the disposition.

    (d) Surplus personal property -- Methods of disposal. --

       (1) The Secretary shall dispose of surplus personal property:

          (i) by dismantling it for recovery of valuable parts;

          (ii) by trading it in;

          (iii) by transferring it to a local jurisdiction, public school system, or nonprofit organization;

          (iv) by auctioning or selling it, including selling it for scrap value; or

          (v) if no value can be realized from it, by destroying it.

       (2) If surplus personal property is destroyed under this subsection, the unit of the State government that declared the item to be excess personal property shall pay any cost of destruction.

    (e) Surplus personal property -- Delegation of authority. -- The Secretary may delegate the authority to dispose of surplus personal property to a designee of the Secretary or, by regulation, to another unit of the State government.

HISTORY: An. Code 1957, art. 41, § 133, 235; 1985, ch. 11, § 2; 2005, ch. 513.