§ 12-602. Scope of subtitle  

Latest version.

  •    (a) Counties exempt from subtitle. -- This subtitle does not apply to:

       (1) public utilities, their affiliated companies, and electrical appliances and devices used in their work;

       (2) the inspection or certification of an electrical installation by a unit of a county government that is authorized to conduct electrical inspections; or

       (3) an electrical installation of the State or federal government during an emergency if the electrical installation is necessary for the public welfare as a result of the emergency.

    (b) Local law or ordinance not superseded. --

       (1) This subtitle does not supersede any local law or ordinance of a local jurisdiction that establishes standards or qualifications for electrical inspectors and inspections within that local jurisdiction.

       (2) A certified nongovernmental electrical inspector shall obtain county approval or certification as may be required by local law or ordinance.

HISTORY: An. Code 1957, art. 38A, § 59(b), 63; 2003, ch. 5, § 2; 2010, ch. 127.