§ 5-1203. Declaration of policy; establishment of State wildlands preservation system  

Latest version.

  •    (a) Declaration of policy; establishment of State wildlands preservation system. -- In order to assure that an increasing population, accompanied by expanding settlement and growing mechanization, does not occupy and modify all areas within the State, leaving no lands designated for preservation and protection in their natural condition, it is the policy of the General Assembly to secure for the people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of State wildlands. For this purpose there is established a State wildlands preservation system composed of areas in the State designated by the General Assembly as "wildland areas". The wildland areas shall be administered for the use and enjoyment of the people of Maryland in a manner that will leave them unimpaired for the future use and enjoyment as wildlands, to provide for their protection, preservation of their wildland character, and for gathering and dissemination of information regarding their use and enjoyment as wildlands. A State land may not be designated as "wildland areas" except as provided for in this section or by a subsequent act.

    (b) Big Savage Mountain Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section that property in Garrett County containing approximately 2,691 acres and described as follows is a Type 1 State wildland and shall be named the "Big Savage Mountain Wildland":

    Beginning at the White Water primitive camping area and proceeding counterclockwise (S 75 degrees E) approximately 4,000 feet, then (N 40 degrees W) approximately 3,500 feet to a point 200 feet south of Big Savage Mountain Hiking Trail, then in a northeasterly direction along the eastern slopes of Big Savage Mountain 200 feet south of and parallel to the Big Savage Mountain Hiking Trail until it intersects with High Rock Tower Road, then west along the High Rock Tower Road to a line 50 feet from High Rock Firetower, then circling the tower counterclockwise to the south no closer than 50 feet to the tower to a point due west of the tower, then northwest directly down slope to the State forest boundary line and continuing along the boundary line southwest, passing south around Rhodes Hill, turning north and northeast until the property line intersects with Saw Mill Hollow Trail, then 200 feet north of and parallel to Saw Mill Hollow Run until it intersects with Savage River, then southwest along the east bank of Savage River to the lake and then south along the lake shore returning to the White Water primitive camping area and also from the point 200 feet north of Saw Mill Hollow Run where it intersects with the Savage River, following the east bank of the Savage River and then proceeding clockwise in a northerly direction 600 feet to private land then east 800 feet, then northerly about 1,400 feet and then westerly 300 feet again to the bank of Savage, then leaving private land and following the river bank, generally northeasterly about 17,000 feet to a large transmission line (about 1,500 feet north of Warnick Point) then leaving Savage River and with the southern margin of that transmission line easterly 2,700 feet to private land and then with private land southwesterly 1,000 feet, then leaving private land and crossing Savage River State Forest southwesterly 2,700 feet, then again with private land southwesterly 900 feet, then southeasterly 2,200 feet and then southwesterly 4,200 feet and then northwesterly 1,700 feet and then southwesterly 1,800 feet and then southeasterly 1,800 feet and then southwesterly 2,200 feet and then northwesterly 1,100 feet and then southwesterly 2,500 feet and then southeasterly 200 feet to a point 200 feet north of Saw Mill Hollow Run, then leaving private land and running with and parallel to Saw Mill Hollow Run and 200 feet north of the same, generally southwesterly 2,300 feet to the beginning point of Savage River.

    (b-1) High Rock Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Garrett County containing approximately 650 acres and described as follows is a Type 1 State wildland and shall be named the "High Rock Wildland":

    Beginning at a stone marked "BP 129" and witnessed by a pipe stamped 582, said stone also being a corner of the Savage River State Forest boundary on the western slope of Big Savage Mountain and then running north 38 degrees 18 minutes east 3703.31 feet to a stone marked "BP 128" and witnessed by a pipe stamped 581 and then running north 54 degrees 23 minutes east 5500.00 feet more or less to a point on the southeast side of Pine Swamp Road, then running in a northeasterly direction along the southeast side of said road to the south side of its intersection with Westernport Road, then running with the southwest side of Westernport Road in a southeasterly direction 5400.00 feet more or less to a point on the 2700 foot contour line, then running generally with said contour line south 49 degrees west 3500.00 feet more or less to a point northeast of the High Rock Tower Road, then running in a westerly direction 200 feet north and parallel to said road 2100.00 feet to a point lying northwest of the High Rock Tower site, then running south 40 degrees west 200.00 feet more or less, then running north 62 degrees west 1600 feet more or less to the beginning.

    (c) Cypress Swamp Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section that property in Worcester County containing approximately 1,784 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 wildland and shall be named the "Cypress Swamp Wildland":

    Parcel 1:

    Beginning with the main part at a point on the north side of the Hickory Point Road, said point lying approximately 5,200 feet west of the Cederhall Road; and proceeding clockwise, then with the north side of the Hickory Point Road westerly, then northerly in a long curve approximately 9,600 feet, then leaving the road and with the Pocomoke State Forest boundary northerly about 1,200 feet to the south margin of the Pocomoke River (Point A), then with the south shore generally easterly approximately 7,500 feet upstream, then with the Pocomoke State Forest boundary and adjoining private land southeasterly approximately 4,700 feet and then southwesterly 7,750 feet to the beginning point.

    Parcel 2:

    A second and separate part of this wildland begins at a point on the south margin of the Pocomoke River, the point being approximately 3,300 feet generally westerly downstream from Point A, then with the Pocomoke State Forest boundary and adjacent private land in a clockwise direction generally southerly approximately 800 feet, thence westerly 1,150 feet, then northwesterly approximately 1,900 feet to the south shore of the Pocomoke River, then with the south shore northerly, then easterly and then southerly approximately 4,800 feet to the beginning point.

    Parcel 3:

    All that lot, tract, or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Costen Election District of Worcester County, located on the Pocomoke River and being more particularly described in that certain patent of "Lankfords Discovery", dated May 5, 1905, among the records of the Hall of Records of the State of Maryland which by deed dated August 25, 1986 and recorded in the land records of Worcester County in Liber 1210, Folio 489 was conveyed by the Nature Conservancy to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and described as follows:

    Beginning at a marked cypress standing on the east bank of the Pocomoke River about a half mile above the town of Rehoboth, and running thence, north 41 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east, 280.50 feet, then running north 53 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east, 140.25 feet to the edge of a small gut, then running south 21 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds east, 4,174.50 feet to a point on the head of a small gut, then running south 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east, 3,349.50 feet to an old water hole, then running south 61 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west, 462.00 feet, to a point on the northwest side of Parting Creek, then running south 79 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west, 49.50 feet, then running south 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west, 231.00 feet, then running south 51 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west, 420.75 feet to a point on the east side of the Pocomoke River, then running along the east bank of the Pocomoke River in a northerly direction 8,400.00 feet more or less to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 4:

    All that part of a lot, tract, or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Costen Election District of Worcester County, and conveyed by the Nature Conservancy to the State of Maryland to the Department of Natural Resources on July 20, 1978, and in Liber 1633, Folio 93, of the land records of Worcester County, and described as follows:

    Beginning at a hickory tree, said tree being the point of beginning of a survey by Harold W. Hampshire, dated May 15, 1978, running thence with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th lines of said survey, the following viz: north 82 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds west 1,592.44 feet, to the edge of the marsh, then running north 33 degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds west 2,338.27 feet, to a cedar post, then north 09 degrees 50 minutes 06 seconds west 339.27 feet, to a cedar post, then south 74 degrees 23 minutes 34 seconds east 2,414.55 feet, to a concrete post, then south 77 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds east 1,254.53 feet, to a concrete post, then running in a southerly direction 1,684.05 feet, to the point of beginning.

    (d) Pocomoke River Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section that property situated in Worcester County containing approximately 2,481 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Pocomoke River Wildland":

    Parcel 1:

       Beginning with the first part at a point on the west bank of Corkers Creek where it joins the Pocomoke River and proceeding clockwise, then generally southerly with said west bank approximately 6,200 feet to the rear line of the clearing for the forest manager's residence, then leaving the creek and with said rear line southwesterly 400 feet to a forest road, then with said forest road and with its meanders, northwesterly then southerly and then northwesterly approximately 11,500 feet to the Pocomoke State Forest boundary, and with it northwesterly about 2,200 feet to the Pocomoke River, then with the south bank thereof to the beginning point.

    Parcel 2:

       A second and separate part of this wildland begins at a point on the south bank of the Pocomoke River at the western boundary of a part of the Pocomoke River Wildlife Management Area, the point lying approximately 400 feet west of Mattaponi Landing and running with the wildlife management area boundary and adjacent private land southerly about 300 feet to the Blades Road, then with the road about 2,400 feet to the State wetland boundary, then following the State wetland boundary with its meanders generally southwesterly approximately 6,500 feet to the western boundary of the Tarr tract in the Pocomoke State Forest, and then with the Pocomoke State Forest boundary northwesterly about 2,900 feet to the Pocomoke River; and then with the river's south bank generally northeasterly to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 3:

       A third and separate part of this wildland begins at a point on the north bank of the Pocomoke River and the west bank of Corbin Branch, and proceeding then clockwise with the north bank and with its meanders generally southwesterly approximately 10,500 feet to the mouth of Milburn Branch, then with the north bank of the branch and with its meanders generally northwesterly about 1,800 feet to a forest road, then along this road and other interconnecting forest roads and with their windings northeasterly approximately 10,000 feet to the east bank of Corbin Branch, then with the east bank generally southerly about 1,000 feet again to the Pocomoke River and the beginning point.

    Parcel 4 (Shad Tract, Parcel A):

       Beginning at the intersection of Corker's Creek and a ditch running in a northeasterly direction, said point also being on the boundary line of Shad Landing State Park and then running, along said ditch in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with the Pocomoke River, then running along the south bank of the Pocomoke River to Corker's Creek, then running with Corker's Creek to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 5 (Shad Tract, Parcel B):

       Beginning at a concrete monument, said monument being the beginning of a tract of land which by deed dated October 14, 1988 and recorded in Liber 1486, Folio 530 of the Land Records of Worcester County, was conveyed by Lavara Van De Graf, personal representative of the Estate of Evelyn W. Jones, and the Nature Conservancy, to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running, along the boundary line of Shad Landing State Park 2,200.00 feet more or less, to a point on the northeast side of the road leading to Shad Landing, then running along the northeast side of said road in a northwest direction 1,300.00 feet more or less, to the south bank of the Pocomoke River, then running by and with the meanderings of the Pocomoke River in a generally northerly direction to the end of the 4th line of the aforesaid conveyance from Lavara Van De Graf, then running, south 11 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 660.00 feet to a point, south 18 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 1,065.90 feet to a point, south 21 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 226.38 feet to an iron pipe, south 65 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 165.66 feet to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 6 (Van De Graf Tract):

       All that lot, tract, or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the second election district of Worcester County located on the Pocomoke River and being more particularly described in a deed dated October 14, 1988 and recorded in Liber 1486, Folio 530 of the land records of Worcester County, which was conveyed by Lavara Van De Graf, personal representative of the Estate of Evelyn W. Jones and the Nature Conservancy, to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources and described as follows: beginning at a concrete monument at the intersection of the northwesterly line of a tract of land now or formerly owned by Robert J. Reilly and the northeast line of Shad Landing State Park, and then running north 65 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 165.66 feet to an iron pipe, then north 21 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds west 226.38 feet to an iron pipe, then north 18 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds west 1,065.90 feet, then north 11 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 660.00 feet, then running with the meanderings of the Pocomoke River in a northerly direction 6,065.00 feet more or less to an iron pipe, then south 52 degrees 03 minutes 37 seconds east 471.90 feet to an iron pipe, then south 80 degrees 03 minutes 37 seconds east 1,223.64 feet to an iron axle, then south 27 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds west 192.46 feet to an iron pipe, then south 55 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 33.00 feet to an iron pipe, then south 33 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 429.00 feet to an iron pipe, then south 50 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 198.00 feet to an iron pipe, then south 20 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 396.00 feet to an iron pipe, then south 55 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 165.00 feet to an iron pipe, then south 49 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 264.00 feet to an iron pipe, then south 37 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 330.00 feet to an iron pipe, then north 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 427.02 feet to an iron pipe, then south 08 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 709.50 feet to an iron pipe, then south 19 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 550.44 feet to a concrete monument, then south 76 degrees 38 minutes 23 seconds west 592.40 feet to a concrete monument, then south 76 degrees 38 minutes 38 seconds west 94.00 feet to an iron pipe, then south 56 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds west 675.78 feet to an iron pipe, then north 45 degrees 33 minutes 46 seconds west 728.29 feet to an iron pipe, then south 43 degrees 45 minutes 12 seconds west 2160.38 feet to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 7 (Tract A):

       Beginning at the southeast intersection of River Road and a road on the eastern boundary line of Milburn Landing State Park, then running along the boundary of Milburn Landing State Park 3,000.00 feet more or less, to a point, then leaving the park boundary and running along the northwest side of said road 500.00 feet more or less, to the center of Milburn Branch, then running in a southeasterly direction along said creek in a southerly direction to its confluence with the Pocomoke River and the boundary line of Pocomoke State Forest, then running along the Pocomoke River in a southwesterly direction 1,000.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running in a northwesterly direction 400.00 feet to a point on the east side of a drive, then running along said drive in a northerly direction 1,000.00 feet more or less, to a point, then leaving said road and running, north 18 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 1,060.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 12 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 1,000.00 feet more or less, to a point, on the south side of River Road, then running along the south side of River Road to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 7 (Tract B):

       Beginning at a point on the southeast side of River Road at its intersection with the northeast boundary line of Pocomoke State Forest, then running in a southeasterly direction along said State forest boundary 1,300.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running in a southwesterly direction at a right angle to the Pocomoke State Forest boundary 375.00 feet more or less, then running parallel to the State forest boundary line in a northwesterly direction 1,300.00 feet to the south side of River Road, then running along the south side of River Road to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 8:

       Beginning at a point in the intersection of Corker's Creek and a ditch running in a northwesterly direction, said point being in the northeastern boundary of Pocomoke State Forest and the Shad Landing State Park boundary line, then with said ditch in a northeasterly direction 700.00 feet more or less, then leaving said ditch and running in a southeasterly direction 850.00 feet to a State park loop road at a campground, then running along said road 4,000.00 feet more or less, to a point opposite a 90 degree bend in said road, then leaving the park road and running in a southwesterly direction 650.00 feet more or less, to Corker's Creek, then running along Corker's Creek in a northwesterly direction to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 9:

       Beginning at a point, said point being at the end of the 2nd line of a tract of land which by deed dated February 13, 1985 and recorded in Liber 1064, Folio 24 of the Land Records of Worcester County, was conveyed by Charles Timmons to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, then running with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th line of said tract of land and with the State forest boundary, south 43 degrees 15 minutes 28 seconds east 500.00 feet to an angle iron, then south 68 degrees 22 minutes 28 seconds east 460.72 feet to an angle iron, then south 46 degrees 44 minutes 49 seconds west 199.59 feet to an angle iron, then leaving said conveyance and running, south 42 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds east 185.00 feet to an iron bar, then south 36 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds east 317.00 feet to an iron bar, then north 53 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds east 363.00 feet to an iron bar, then south 12 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds east 250.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running, south 57 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 2,100.00 feet more or less, to a point on the northwest side of a road, then running with the north side of said road in a southwesterly direction 450.00 feet to a point, then leaving said road and running, north 74 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,200.00 feet to an iron bar, then running with the lines of a conveyance from Charles Timmons to the State of Maryland (Liber 788, Folio 390), north 41 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds west 935.12 feet crossing over an iron bar at 156 feet, then running, south 79 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds west 231.00 feet to a point, then running north 40 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds west 264.00 feet to a point, then running north 60 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds west 264.00 feet to a point, then running north 27 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 82.50 feet to a point, then south 65 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds west 132.00 feet to a point, then running north 84 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds west 563.00 feet more or less, to an iron pipe, then running, north 18 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 550.00 feet more or less, to the south side of the Pocomoke River, then running with said river to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 10:

       Beginning at the end of the 5th line of a tract of land surveyed by G. Oliver Morrell for John and Elisabeth Mohr on November 30, 1960, said tract of land conveyed by John and Elizabeth Mohr to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources by a deed dated April 22, 1987, and recorded in Liber 1304, Folio 124 of the land records of Worcester County, and then running, north 29 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds west 303.60 feet, then running north 72 degrees 22 minutes 40 seconds west 859.32 feet, then running north 60 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds east 988.68 feet, then running north 38 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds east 722.70 feet, then running south 83 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds east 1,049.40 feet, then running south 79 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds east 205.26 feet, then running north 39 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds east 332.64 feet, then running north 87 degrees 34 minutes 50 seconds east 333.30 feet, then running south 54 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds east 201.30 feet to a pipe, then running in a northeasterly direction with the south side of the marsh 5,500.00 feet more or less, to an old road, then running with the southwest side of said road in a southeasterly direction 1,000.00 feet more or less, to the intersection of a State forest road, then running with the northwest side of said road in a southwesterly direction 8,000.00 feet to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 11:

       All those five (5) tracts of land, situate, lying and being in the Second Election District of Worcester County, Maryland, and located south of Porter's Crossing Road where it crosses the Pocomoke River.

       Tracts 1, 2, and 3 are described as follows:

       Beginning at a point on the west bank of the Pocomoke River at the point of intersection with Porter's Crossing Road, then running with the south side of Porter's Crossing Road in a westerly direction 1,203.40 feet more or less to a point, then running south 51 degrees 47 minutes 09 seconds west 426.84 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 88 degrees 25 minutes 03 seconds west 290.70 feet to a concrete monument, then running north 68 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds west 129.73 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 79 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds west 771.33 feet to a concrete monument, then running north 41 degrees 44 minutes 29 seconds west 420.79 feet to a concrete monument, then running north 36 degrees 52 minutes 07 seconds west 320.18 feet to a concrete monument, then running north 89 degrees 02 minutes 27 seconds west 277.60 feet to a concrete monument, then running north 82 degrees 57 minutes 18 seconds west 467.51 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 48 degrees 38 minutes 24 seconds west 233.48 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 56 degrees 03 minutes 45 seconds west 176.63 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 55 degrees 16 minutes 03 seconds east 259.02 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 06 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds west 462.51 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 72 degrees 50 minutes 46 seconds west 24.38 feet to a concrete monument, then running north 77 degrees 50 minutes 18 seconds west 68.72 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 48 degrees 29 minutes 23 seconds west 1,696.22 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 41 degrees 10 minutes 49 seconds east 301.16 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 11 degrees 01 minutes 02 seconds west 247.59 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 06 degrees 59 minutes 09 seconds east 159.93 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 15 degrees 40 minutes 49 seconds west 429.34 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 47 degrees 07 minutes 49 seconds east 711.02 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 00 degrees 19 minutes 05 seconds west 130.74 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 22 degrees 51 minutes 02 seconds west 36.50 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 22 degrees 51 minutes 02 seconds west 67.75 feet to a point, then running south 48 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds east 166.09 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 25 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds east 360.65 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 07 degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds east 483.19 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 45 degrees 55 minutes 44 seconds west 282.71 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 34 degrees 03 minutes 58 seconds west 592.74 feet to a concrete monument, then running north 52 degrees 59 minutes 51 seconds west 879.12 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 45 degrees 02 minutes 46 seconds west 216.82 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 45 degrees 02 minutes 46 seconds west 185.17 feet to a point, then running south 42 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds east 2305.00 feet to the Pocomoke River, then running with the west side of said river in a northeasterly direction 11,310.00 feet to the point of beginning.

       Tracts 4 and 5 are described as follows: beginning at a point, said point having Maryland State plane grid coordinates north 144,202.33 and east 1,273,168.00; and running from said point of beginning, south 04 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 234.14 feet, then running north 57 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds west 122.75 feet, then running north 39 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds west 429.00 feet, then running north 17 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds west 92.69 feet, to a point in the southerly line of Porter's Crossing Road, then running with the southerly line of said road 477.31 to the point of beginning.

       Beginning at a point on the east bank of the Pocomoke River and on the south side of Porter's Crossing Road, said point having Maryland State plane grid coordinates north 146,120.03 and east 1,270,174.10; and running with the east bank of the river, south 15 degrees 49 minutes 14 seconds west 67.98 feet, then running south 05 degrees 39 minutes 08 seconds west 139.17 feet, then leaving the river and running south 07 degrees 05 minutes 11 seconds east 90.00 feet, then running south 51 degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds east 27.00 feet, then running south 12 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds west 215.00 feet, then running south 89 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 222.00 feet, then running south 69 degrees 10 minutes 46 seconds east 792.00 feet, then running parallel with an old mill ditch the following courses: south 39 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 99.00 feet, then running south 05 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 165.00 feet, then running south 75 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 165.00 feet, then running south 50 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 594.00 feet, then running north 88 degrees 04 minutes 14 seconds west 495.00 feet, then running south 74 degrees 10 minutes 46 seconds west 132.00 feet, then running south 44 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 99.00 feet, then running south 17 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 132.00 feet, then running south 53 degrees 55 minutes 46 seconds east 78.54 feet, then running north 45 degrees 04 minutes 14 seconds east 102.68 feet, to a point on the south side of Porter's Crossing Road, then running with said road in a northwesterly direction 1,369.89 feet more or less, to a point, then leaving said road and running, south 51 degrees 01 minutes 51 seconds west 297.98 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 13 degrees 12 minutes 26 seconds west 173.90 feet, then running north 17 degrees 59 minutes 52 seconds east 260.50 feet, to the south side of Porter's Crossing Road, then running with said road northwesterly 1,558.97 feet to the point of beginning.

       Saving and excepting all portions of the Pocomoke River.

       (2) Within the part of Pocomoke River Wildland lying north of the Pocomoke River and east of Milburn Landing area, Pocomoke River State Park, safety zone signs may be posted to protect the State park camping area in hunting seasons.

    (e) Maintenance and improvement of boundary roadways. -- If a county or State road is the boundary of any area designated a wildland pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the county or State is exempt from the requirement to obtain approval from the General Assembly for activities within the wildland, which are 200 feet of the road edge, if they are necessary for the maintenance or improvement of the roadway for public safety. These activities are subject to normal review, permit, and approval actions as required by law.

    (e-1) Above ground or underground lines and related easements. -- Notwithstanding any other provision of this Part II of this subtitle, the designation of an area as a wildland may not be construed to preclude:

       (1) The normal maintenance of an electrical transmission line, distribution line, telephone line, natural gas line, or other above ground or underground line, or of any easement held in conjunction with such line, in the manner such line or easement is normally maintained; or

       (2) The upgrading or expansion of any electrical transmission line, distribution line, telephone line, natural gas line, or other above ground or underground line if the person responsible for the line had the right, subject to any required approval, to upgrade or expand the line in the designated area immediately before the designation of the area as wildlands.

    (f) Maintenance of existing public drainage within Worcester County. -- Any activities related to the maintenance of existing public drainage within Worcester County is exempt from the requirement to obtain approval from the General Assembly. These activities are subject to normal review, permit, and approval actions as required by law.

    (g) Cunningham Falls State Park Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property situated in Frederick County containing approximately 3,452 acres and designated as follows, is a Type 1 State wildland, and shall be named, "The Cunningham Falls State Park Wildland".

    Beginning for the first of four parts at a point approximately 420 feet southwesterly of the intersection of Maryland Route 77 and Catoctin Hollow Road, that point lying on the east side of the latter road at the southern margin of Big Hunting Creek. Thence proceeding downstream with the southern margin and the meanders of the creek, southeasterly approximately 100 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 1,000 feet, thence southeasterly approximately 460 feet, then southerly approximately 200 feet, thence southeasterly approximately 1,700 feet, thence southerly approximately 1,400 feet, thence easterly approximately 1,350 feet to bridge carrying Maryland Route 77 over Big Hunting Creek. Thence leaving the creek and running with southern margin of the right-of-way of Maryland Route 77 still easterly 1,600 feet, southerly approximately 1,700 feet and easterly 2,500 feet. Then leaving Maryland Route 77 and running with the boundary of Cunningham Falls State Park southwesterly approximately 200 feet, westerly 700 feet, southerly approximately 750 feet, easterly 700 feet, southerly approximately 200 feet, westerly 1,200 feet, southerly 300 feet, westerly approximately 1,250 feet, northerly 250 feet, westerly approximately 1,550 feet, southwesterly approximately 400 feet to a cleared power line right-of-way. Thence leaving the State park boundary running with the northern margin of the power line generally westerly approximately 3,200 feet to private land; leaving power line and with the private land northeasterly approximately 950 feet, westerly approximately 300 feet southwesterly in two courses 950 feet again to the power line. Then leaving private land and running again with the northern margin of the power line approximately 1,050 feet, then leaving the power line and cutting across State park property generally northerly in three courses 1,200 feet to the east margin of Catoctin Hollow Road. Then running with the road approximately 4,500 feet to the beginning containing approximately 535 acres.

    Beginning for a second and separate part at the most northerly point of the Thurmont Watershed property and running generally northerly with the State park boundary approximately 1,450 feet to a cleared power line. Then leaving the State park boundary and running with the southern margin of the power line, generally easterly approximately 6,600 feet, then southerly approximately 1,750 feet to the watershed property and running with it generally westerly approximately 6,300 feet to the beginning point, containing approximately 210 acres.

    Beginning for a third and separate part at the southeastern corner of the Thurmont Watershed property and running across State park property generally southerly approximately 3,550 feet, southwesterly approximately 2,050 feet again southerly approximately 2,100 feet to the State park boundary and private land. Thence running with said private land westerly approximately 950 feet, then southwesterly in two courses approximately 1,050 feet, then westerly approximately 600 feet, southwesterly approximately 650 feet, westerly approximately 450 feet, southerly approximately 200 feet. Thence northwesterly in two courses approximately 950 feet and 1,650 feet. Then northerly approximately 200 feet. Thence westerly approximately 1,400 feet, and southwesterly approximately 850 feet to the Catoctin Hollow Road. Thence generally along the road northwesterly approximately 1,000 feet. Leaving the road and running again with private land approximately 2,000 feet to a point near the Catoctin Hollow Road. Thence northerly approximately 2,050 feet, northwesterly in two courses approximately 700 and 800 feet; then northerly approximately 1,100 feet, southeasterly approximately 1,400 feet, northerly approximately 3,000 feet, northwesterly in two courses approximately 1,400 and 1,000 feet, and easterly approximately 800 feet to the western boundary of the Thurmont Watershed property. Thence with the Watershed boundary southerly approximately 1,650 feet, then easterly approximately 8,450 feet to the beginning containing approximately 1,655 acres.

    Beginning for a fourth and separate part at a point on the State park boundary lying southerly approximately 1,000 feet from the intersection of U.S. Route 15 and Catoctin Hollow Road. Thence southerly 3,900 feet, westerly 600 feet, southerly 2,000 feet, easterly 650 feet, southerly 1,200 feet. Still southerly 1,050 feet, westerly 1,950 feet, southeasterly 1,850 feet, southerly 2,400 feet. Thence westerly 3,800 feet. Thence northerly by twelve courses approximately 10,800 feet. Thence easterly approximately 1,100 feet northeasterly approximately 1,700 feet to an unimproved public road. Thence with the road again northeasterly approximately 300 feet. Thence leaving the road and running again with the State park boundary southeasterly in two courses 1,300 and 1,200 feet. Thence easterly approximately 450 feet, northerly approximately 2,400 feet, easterly approximately 1,150 feet to the beginning containing approximately 1,052 acres.

    (h) Patuxent River Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Howard and Montgomery counties containing approximately 1579 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Patuxent River Wildland":

    Parcel 1:

    Beginning at a point on the south shore of the Patuxent River at the eastern margin of the right-of-way of the Hipsley Mill Road, and proceeding counterclockwise about the boundary of the wildland area, southwesterly with said right-of-way margin approximately 3,050 feet to the southern boundary of Patuxent River State Park (hereafter the Park). Thence leaving Hipsley Mill Road and following said Park boundary southeasterly approximately 1,700 feet; thence leaving the Park boundary and with the forest bounding a field, on the right hand, easterly approximately 1,400 feet. Still with the forest edge southwesterly approximately 300 feet, thence easterly approximately 300 feet, thence southeasterly approximately 800 feet, thence southwesterly approximately 475 feet, again to the Park boundary. Thence with said Park boundary southeasterly approximately 550 feet. Then leaving the Park boundary and again with the forest edge northeasterly approximately 1,150 feet, southeasterly approximately 400 feet, southerly approximately 275 feet, thence southeasterly approximately 750 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 550 feet, thence southeasterly approximately 250 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 500 feet. Thence still with the forest edge southeasterly approximately 600 feet, thence southwesterly approximately 750 feet, thence easterly approximately 150 feet thence southerly approximately 250 feet, thence easterly approximately 900 feet. Thence again with the forest edge northeasterly approximately 1,100 feet, thence easterly approximately 300 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 1,400 feet, thence southeasterly approximately 650 feet, thence northerly approximately 1,050 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 550 feet, thence northerly approximately 420 feet to the Patuxent River. Thence crossing the river in a northwesterly direction approximately 100 feet. Thence with the forest edge and the river southeasterly approximately 300 feet; then leaving the river and following the forest edge northeasterly with a field on the right, approximately 150 feet thence northerly approximately 420 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 475 feet, thence northerly approximately 400 feet. Thence still with the forest edge easterly approximately 150 feet, thence northerly approximately 650 feet, thence westerly approximately 900 feet, thence northerly approximately 800 feet. Thence leaving the forest edge and cutting through a narrow neck of woods, still northerly approximately 200 feet, then again with the forest edge westerly approximately 550 feet. Again cutting through a neck of woods still westerly approximately 550 feet. Once again with the forest edge southwesterly approximately 450 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 1,175 feet, thence southerly approximately 500 feet, thence westerly with the forest edge approximately 300 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 1,375 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 375 feet, thence southwesterly approximately 650 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 450 feet, thence still with the forest edge easterly approximately 1,150 feet to the Park boundary. Thence with said Park boundary northeasterly approximately 825 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 700 feet, thence southwesterly approximately 800 feet, thence westerly approximately 350 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 275 feet to an old field. Thence with the field on the right hand and with the forest edge southwesterly approximately 375 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 425 feet to Hipsley Mill Road. Thence with Hipsley Mill Road southwesterly approximately 600 feet to the edge of an old field. Thence leaving Hipsley Mill Road and with the field on the right hand and with the forest edge southeasterly approximately 350 feet, thence southwesterly through a narrow neck of woods approximately 525 feet, thence still with the forest edge southeasterly approximately 1,150 feet, thence westerly approximately 300 feet, thence southeasterly approximately 500 feet thence southerly approximately 400 feet, thence easterly approximately 175 feet, thence with the field on the right hand and with the forest edge southerly approximately 550 feet, thence westerly approximately 200 feet, thence southwesterly approximately 475 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 250 feet, thence northerly approximately 500 feet. Thence still with the forest edge northerly approximately 350 feet, thence southerly approximately 550 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 1,600 feet to the Hipsley Mill Road. Thence with the eastern margin of said road right-of-way, southwesterly approximately 1,250 feet, thence southerly approximately 750 feet again crossing the Patuxent River to the beginning point.

    A twenty-five hundredths (0.25) of an acre parking area located approximately 50 feet northeast of the Patuxent River along the east side of Hipsley Mill Road shall be excluded from the Patuxent River Wildland.

    Parcel 2

    Beginning at a point, said point being the beginning of the 2nd line of a tract of land which by deed dated January 24, 1975, and recorded in the land records of Howard County in Liber 719, Folio 027, was conveyed by Wiley G. Griffith to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running with said second line, south 69 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds east 818.49 feet to a point, said point being the beginning of the eleventh line of a tract of land which by deed dated, June 26, 1969, and recorded in the land records of Howard County in Liber 513, Folio 289, was conveyed by Theron P. and Elizabeth Sager to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, and running with said line, south 70 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds east 130.00 feet more or less to a point, north 16 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 960.00 feet to a point on the southern edge of Annapolis Rock Road, thence running with the south side of said road in a easterly direction to the intersection and western edge of Hipsley Mill Road, thence running with the western edge of Hipsley Mill Road in a southwesterly direction 1800 feet to a point in the western edge of said road, said point also being distant north 36 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds west 150.00 feet from a point located north 56 degrees 03 minutes 23 seconds west 20.00 from the end of the 33rd line of a tract of land which by deed dated, February 1, 1972, and recorded in the land records of Howard County in Liber 584, Folio 211, was conveyed by George G. and Sidney Ann Adams Wilson to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forests and Parks, and running thence, north 56 degrees 03 minutes 23 seconds west 890 feet more or less to a point in the 30th line of said aforementioned conveyance, thence running with part of said 30th line, south 28 degrees 39 minutes 20 seconds west 1200.00 feet more or less to a point, north 67 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 650.00 feet more or less to a point, north 81 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 800.00 feet more or less feet to a point, north 33 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 300.00 feet more or less to a point, north 57 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 430.00 feet more or less to a point, south 09 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 550.00 feet more or less feet to a point, south 70 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 930.00 feet more or less to a point, north 66 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 270.00 feet more or less to a point, south 66 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 840.00 feet more or less to a point, south 31 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 450.00 feet more or less to a point on the west edge of Hipsley Mill Road, thence running with the west edge of said road 2850 feet more or less to a point, said point being distant north 76 degrees 02 minutes 12 seconds west 20.00 feet from the beginning of the first line of a tract of land which by deed dated, March 8, 1975, and recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 4633, Folio 650, was conveyed by William B. King to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, north 76 degrees 02 minutes 12 seconds west 56.51 feet to a point, north 67 degrees 22 minutes 12 seconds west 612.57 feet to a point, north 86 degrees 44 minutes 42 seconds west 219.50 feet to a point, said point being the end of the third line of said aforementioned conveyance from King, thence running, north 86 degrees 44 minutes 42 seconds west 221.81 feet to a point, said point being the end of the 11th line of a tract of land which by deed dated June 10, 1971, and recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 4081, Folio 247, was conveyed by Margaret Gallagher to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, and running thence with said eleventh line, north 66 degrees 36 minutes 14 seconds west 200.00 feet to a point, south 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1120.00 feet more or less to a point, north 83 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 480.00 feet more or less to a point, said point being distant south 34 degrees 16 minutes 36 seconds 200.00 feet from the end of the 7th line of the last mentioned deed, thence running, south 07 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 800.00 feet more or less to a point, said point being in the northernmost line of the PEPCO transmission line right of way, thence running along the northern line of said right of way in a northwesterly direction 580.00 feet more or less to a point, thence leaving said right of way and running north 11 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 630.00 feet more or less to a point, said point being the end of the seventh line of a tract of land which by deed dated September 2, 1971, and recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 4118, Folio 689, was conveyed by A. W. Thompson to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, and running thence with the 8th, 9th and 10th line of the last mentioned deed, north 03 degrees 31 minutes 50 seconds west 305.50 feet to a point, north 50 degrees 13 minutes 45 seconds west 717.75 feet to a point, south 41 degrees 58 minutes 35 seconds west 492.54 feet to a point, said point being the end of the 1st line of a tract of land which by deed dated January 6, 1981, and recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 5641, Folio 156, was conveyed by Jerome W. and Ella Jean Cassidy to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th line of said deed, south 47 degrees 16 minutes 25 seconds east 656.72 feet to a point, south 47 degrees 16 minutes 25 seconds east 232.01 feet to a point, south 68 degrees 42 minutes 42 seconds west 76.83 feet to a point, north 75 degrees 29 minutes 58 seconds west 122.09 feet to a point, south 85 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 208.00 feet to a point in the northernmost right of way line of PEPCO and running with said right of way in a northwesterly direction 2100.00 feet more or less to a point, said point being south 65 degrees 44 minutes 39 seconds east from the end of the 2nd line of a tract of land which by deed dated September 19, 1984, and recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 6566, Folio 868, was conveyed by Kenneth and Nancy Zastrow to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, north 08 degrees 30 minutes 45 seconds east 77.00 feet more or less to a point, north 13 degrees 18 minutes 12 seconds east 149.28 feet to a point, north 09 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds 102.01 feet to a point, said point being the end of the 11th line of a tract of land which by deed dated September 2, 1971 and recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 4118, Folio 689, was conveyed by A.W. Thompson to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, north 46 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds east 1537.00 feet to a point on the south bank of the Patuxent River, thence running with the south bank of said river in a northwesterly direction 300.00 feet more or less to a point on the east side of Madcap Road, thence running with the east side of Madcap Road in a northwesterly direction 600.00 feet more or less to a point on the easternmost line of a gas line right of way, thence running with the easternmost line of said right of way in a northerly direction 24000.00 feet more or less to a point, thence running north 88 degrees 00 seconds 00 minutes east 250.00 feet more or less to the beginning.

    Within this parcel of the Patuxent River Wildland are twenty (20) acres of leased agricultural land located off the west side of Hipsley Mill Road approximately 700 feet from the Patuxent River. This use may continue until December 31, 1998.

    Parcel 3

    Beginning at a point, said point being situated south 18 degrees 43 minutes 03 seconds west 859.29 feet from the beginning of the 12th line of a tract of land which by deed dated December 3, 1975, and recorded in the land records of Howard County in Liber 747, Folio 330, was conveyed by Howard and Mary Nicodemus to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forests and Parks, said point also being a corner of the previously established Patuxent River Wildland, and running thence, south 18 degrees 43 minutes 03 seconds west 400 feet more or less to a point, south 57 degrees 39 minutes 47 seconds east 935.90 feet to a point, south 69 degrees 09 minutes 01 seconds east 1,435.28 feet to a point, south 08 degrees 27 minutes 54 seconds west 400.00 feet more or less to a point in a line of the previously mentioned wildland, thence running with the outline of said wildland to the point of beginning.

    Within this parcel of the Patuxent River Wildland are thirty (30) acres of leased agricultural land immediately south of Cabin Branch. This use may continue until December 31, 1999.

    Parcel 4

    Beginning at a point, said point being the end of the 4th line of a tract of land which by deed dated March 10 1972, and recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 4193, Folio 797, was conveyed by Walter Tarlton Bryan to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forests and Parks, said point also being a corner of the previously established Patuxent River Wildland, and running thence, south 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 450.00 feet more or less to a point, said point being in the northerly right of way of the PEPCO transmission line, thence running with said right of way in a northwesterly direction 2200.00 feet more or less to a point in a line of the aforementioned wildland, and running thence with the outline of said wildland to the point of beginning.

    Within this parcel of the Patuxent River Wildland are twenty (20) acres of leased agricultural land located along the PEPCO power line right of way approximately 2400 feet east of Hipsley Mill Road. This use may continue until December 31, 1998.

    (i) Gunpowder Falls Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Baltimore County containing approximately 792 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 wildland, and shall be named the "Gunpowder Falls Wildland":

    Beginning at a point near Falls Road Bridge over the Gunpowder Falls where the west margin of the falls right-of-way meets the south bank of the Gunpowder Falls: Thence with the outline of the proposed wildland in a clockwise direction by the following bearings and distances: With the right-of-way margin of the Falls Road, southwesterly approximately 2,100 feet, thence southerly approximately 1,650 feet, thence southwesterly approximately 4,300 feet to the Evna Road. Thence with the margin of said Evna Road northwesterly approximately 1,050 feet, thence westerly approximately 325 feet. Leaving the road, thence northerly approximately 300 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 700 feet and thence westerly approximately 1,000 feet to the Prettyboy Dam Road. Thence with the eastern margin of the Prettyboy Dam Road, northeasterly approximately 1,500 feet, thence easterly approximately 300 feet. Then leaving the road, southerly approximately 350 feet, thence easterly approximately 600 feet, northerly approximately 500 feet, thence easterly approximately 750 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 700 feet, thence southwesterly approximately 300 feet, thence westerly approximately 650 feet again to the Prettyboy Dam Road. Again with the eastern margin of said road, northerly approximately 700 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 300 feet, thence again northeasterly approximately 250 feet, thence northerly approximately 400 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 300 feet, thence leaving Prettyboy Dam Road easterly approximately 600 feet, thence northerly approximately 450 feet, thence southeasterly in two courses approximately 875 and 1,600 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 300 feet to the Gunpowder Falls. Thence crossing the Gunpowder Falls still northeasterly approximately 100 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 500 feet, thence northerly approximately 150 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 400 feet, thence northerly approximately 1,000 feet, thence westerly approximately 600 feet. Thence northerly in two courses approximately 100 and 1,350 feet again to the Prettyboy Dam Road. Then with the east margin of said road northeasterly approximately 875 feet. Thence leaving the road southeasterly approximately 225 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 575 feet, thence northwesterly approximately 125 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 825 feet, thence northerly approximately 300 feet, thence easterly approximately 300 feet, thence northeasterly in two courses approximately 200 and 250 feet, thence easterly approximately 250 feet. Thence southwesterly approximately 1,100 feet, thence easterly approximately 325 feet, thence southeasterly in three courses approximately 250, 250 and 200 feet. Thence easterly approximately 150 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 300 feet, thence southeasterly approximately 300 feet, thence northeasterly approximately 450 feet, thence easterly approximately 650 feet. Thence southeasterly in two courses of approximately 600 and 1,200 feet to the west margin of the Falls Road and with said margin southwesterly crossing the Gunpowder Falls approximately 2,350 feet to the beginning.

       (2) Within part of the Gunpowder Falls Wildland is eight-tenths (0.8) of an acre of nonconforming use located approximately 1,600 feet northeast of Evna Road along the north side of Falls Road. This use may continue for a period not to exceed 20 years.

       (3) A twenty-five hundredths (0.25) of an acre parking area located approximately 600 feet southwest of the Gunpowder River along the northwest side of Falls Road shall be excluded from the Gunpowder Falls Wildland.

    (j) Rocky Gap Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Allegany County containing approximately 943 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named "Rocky Gap Wildland":

       Beginning at a concrete monument with a brass disc in the top marked as United States Coast & Geodetic Station "Penmar" (Md State plane coordinates north 692383.265, east 333384.588) said monument being a Mason-Dixon marker at the top of Evitts Mountain, said monument also being at the end of the north 88 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds west 3,536.66 foot line of a tract of land which by deed dated September 28, 1966 and recorded in Liber 402, Folio 391 of the land records of Allegany County was conveyed by inquisition from George and Loretta Coffman to the State of Maryland, then running south 88 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds east 2,500.00 feet, then running south 28 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 7,130.00 feet more or less, to a point of intersection with a stream, said stream being a tributary of Rocky Gap Run, and the Evitts Mountain Road, then running along said stream in a southwesterly direction, 1,550.00 feet more or less, to its intersection with Rocky Gap Run, then running with Rocky Gap Run in a southeasterly direction 400.00 feet more or less, to a point in said run, then leaving said run and running, south 16 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds east 300.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 37 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 180.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 25 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 250.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 37 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 330.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 63 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 300.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 16 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 350.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 13 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 420.00 feet more or less, to a point on the north edge of the Old Hancock Road, then running along the north edge of said road in a southwesterly direction 3,000.00 feet more or less, to a point on the northeast edge of Rocky Gap Road, then running along the northeast edge of said road in a northwesterly direction 3,800.00 feet more or less, to a point, said point being distant 50.00 feet from the end of the 5th line of the second Parcel of a tract of land which by deed dated November 11, 1968, and recorded in Liber 427, Folio 154 of the land records of Allegany County, was conveyed by Leo J. Ruppert et al. to the State of Maryland, then running with the remainder of the 6th, and all of the 7th, 8th, and 9th lines of said conveyance, south 42 degrees 47 minutes 53 seconds east 272.33 feet to a point, then running south 61 degrees 03 minutes 56 seconds east 131.94 feet to a point, then running south 66 degrees 17 minutes 58 seconds east 379.39 feet to a point, then running south 61 degrees 21 minutes 24 seconds east 360.29 feet to a point, said point having Maryland State plane coordinates north 683519.30, east 327594.29, said point also being 33.70 feet from the end of the 1st line of the aforesaid conveyance from George and Loretta Coffman (Liber 401, Folio 391), then running with the remainder of the 1st line of the Coffman conveyance and then with the 50th through the 38th lines reversed, north 76 degrees 58 minutes 44 seconds east 362.30 feet to a point, then running north 76 degrees 58 minutes 46 seconds east 483.50 feet to a point, then running north 12 degrees 58 minutes 46 seconds east 223.38 feet to a point, then running north 81 degrees 43 minutes 13 seconds west 561.00 feet to a point, then running north 57 degrees 01 minutes 47 seconds west 1,154.31 feet to a point, then running north 68 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds east 527.66 feet to a point on a rock, then running north 24 degrees 27 minutes 05 seconds east 1,820.45 feet to a stone pile, then running north 24 degrees 26 minutes 21 seconds east 1,683.12 feet to a point, then running north 26 degrees 13 minutes 19 seconds east 921.21 feet to a stone pile, then running north 27 degrees 47 minutes 28 seconds east 333.46 feet to a stone, then running north 12 degrees 16 minutes 11 seconds west 436.27 feet to a stone pile, then running north 00 degrees 49 minutes 21 seconds west 594.42 feet to a point on a rock, then running north 02 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds east 462.01 feet to a point, then running north 69 degrees 49 minutes 59 seconds west 53.62 feet to a point, then running north 05 degrees 22 minutes 04 seconds east 513.18 feet to the end of the 1st line of a tract of land which by deed dated December 15, 1975 and recorded in Liber 483, Folio 236 of the land records of Allegany County was conveyed by William and Catherine Welsh to Mitchell Welsh, then running with the 2nd and 3rd lines of said conveyance as surveyed by Chapman Surveying, Inc. in 1984, south 50 degrees 42 minutes 35 seconds east 495.00 feet to a point, then running north 46 degrees 55 minutes 14 seconds east 2,000.89 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pin on the Mason-Dixon Line, then running along the Mason-Dixon Line north 82 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds east 1,426.40 feet more or less, to the point of beginning.

       Saving and excepting from the above description the Evitts Mountain Road described as follows: beginning at the summit of Evitts Mountain east of a concrete monument with a brass disc in the top marked as United States Coast & Geodetic Station "Penmar" (Md State plane coordinates north 692383.265, east 333384.588) said monument being a Mason-Dixon marker, said monument also being at the end of the north 88 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds west 3,536.66 foot line of a tract of land which by deed dated September 28, 1966 and recorded in Liber 402, Folio 391 of the land records of Allegany County was conveyed by inquisition from George and Loretta Coffman to the State of Maryland, then running 9,000.00 feet more or less, along the crest of Evitts Mountain in a southwesterly direction, then running 3,150.00 feet more or less, in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with a stream, said stream being a tributary of Rocky Gap Run.

       (2) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to or prevent any future development that may be planned by the Department within the area of Rocky Gap State Park that lies outside of and that is not part of the described "Rocky Gap Wildland".

    (k) Belt Woods Wildland. -- Under the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Prince George's County, containing approximately 610 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Belt Woods Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, said point being the end of the 11th line of a tract of land which by deed dated, November 30 1984, and recorded in the land records of Prince George's County in Liber 6041, Folio 249, was conveyed by the Mercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Company to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence with the west side of Church Road in a southeasterly direction 1810 feet more or less to a point in the north west corner of the intersection of Church Road and Central Avenue, thence running along the northern right of way of Central Avenue in a westerly direction 2433 feet more or less to a point in the 7th line of the aforementioned deed, thence continuing along said right of way in a westerly direction 573 feet more or less to a point, thence running, north 05 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds west 2977.54 feet to a point, north 32 degrees 10 minutes 26 seconds west 2093.66 feet to a point, north 27 degrees 43 minutes 31 seconds east 1899.67 feet to a point, north 02 degrees 46 minutes 07 seconds west 701.52 feet to a point, north 83 degrees 35 minutes 23 seconds east 2989.80 feet to a point, south 03 degrees 32 minutes 21 seconds east 1073.29 feet to a point, north 85 degrees 20 minutes 56 seconds east 737.15 feet to a point in the western right of way of Church Road, thence running with said right of way in a southerly direction 2700 feet more or less to a point in said right of way, thence running, north 81 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 800 feet more or less to a point, south 13 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 780 feet more or less to a point, south 81 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 680 feet more or less to a point in the western right of way of Church Road, thence running with the western right of way of said road in a southwesterly direction 1230 feet more or less to the point of beginning.

    Existing agricultural fields will be reforested or allowed to naturally revert to a forested condition according to a management plan developed for the area. Agricultural leases may continue within the Belt Woods Wildland until such time as forestation occurs. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, the Department may reforest existing fields using mechanical or motorized equipment.

    Existing tenancies within the Belt Woods Wildland may continue until December 31, 1997.

    All existing structures including the barns, houses, sheds, and electric utility lines within the above described area shall be allowed to remain in the wildland area. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, the Department may allow the use of mechanical or motorized equipment to remove these existing structures and other existing debris from the wildland. The Belt Woods Wildland contains unique ecological features including species sensitive to pressures caused by the burgeoning populations of nonnative and domesticated species. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, the Department may, as called for in the management plan developed for the area, remove nonnative or domesticated species of plant or animals and erect fencing, gates, and signage associated with the protection and interpretation of unique ecological features.

    (l) Potomac Bends Wildland. -- Under the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Allegany County, containing approximately 2,330 acres described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Potomac Bends Wildland":

    Parcel 1:

    Beginning on the shore of the Potomac River at the east boundary of the abandoned Western Maryland Railroad bed, now owned by the National Park Service, then following the Potomac shore upriver and around the entire sinuous peninsula to the east boundary of the south end of the property now owned by the National Park Service, then following the National Park Service boundary inland in first a northeasterly direction, then northwest to the Western Maryland Railroad bed, and then northeast following that boundary back to the point of beginning, meaning to include all State-owned and only State-owned lands within this described peninsula.

    The wildland excludes the approximately 23 acres privately owned by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.

    Parcel 2:

    Beginning at a point on the south side of the Oldtown Road at the junction of the Green Ridge hiking trail that leads from Oldtown Road to Lift Lock 59, and with the hiking trail in a southerly direction to the west side of a timber management zone planted in larch trees to its junction again with the hiking trail, then with the hiking trail to a point 1,000 feet north of the C&O Canal bed, then with a line running southeasterly keeping 1,000 feet north of the canal bed to the current State forest boundary, then with the boundary to a point on the Western Maryland Railroad, then with the railroad south to the C&O Canal property line, then running upstream with the boundary to the Devil's Alley Road, then following in a northerly direction the road to its junction with Carroll Road and Devil's Alley Run, then with Devil's Alley Run or the Carroll Road, whichever is the most easterly to the Oldtown Road, then following the Oldtown Road to the beginning, including all State-owned lands and only lands that are State-owned within this described Parcel, and also permitting the nonconforming use of a two-acre Parcel containing an archeological site at an abandoned home site located near the junction of Devil's Alley Road and the C&O Canal boundary and a one-acre Parcel containing an existing observation structure and vista management area at Point Lookout.

    Exempting an area consisting of a one hundred foot strip in width extending approximately 1,200 feet along the east side of Carroll Road, the area is located beginning at a stream crossing of the road approximately 1,000 feet north of the Carroll Chimney and all other areas in this Parcel 2 designated or legally used for vehicle parking as of January 1, 1988.

    Parcel 3:

    Beginning at the intersection of Mertens Avenue and Outdoor Club Road then following Mertens Avenue in an easterly direction to the right-of-way of the Western Maryland Railroad, then with the railroad in a southerly direction to the C&O Canal boundary, then with the boundary upstream approximately 17,650 feet to the intersection of Sand Flat Run, then continuing with the C&O Canal boundary to a point approximately 1,000 feet southwesterly of the junction of Sand Flat Run and the C&O Canal bed, then in a northeasterly direction maintaining a 1,000 foot distance from the canal bed to Outdoor Club Road, then with the easterly side of Outdoor Club Road to the place of beginning, including all State-owned lands and only lands that are State-owned within this described Parcel.

    Exempting all that portion of Outdoor Club Road contained in this Parcel 3 and all other areas in this Parcel 3 designated or legally used for vehicle parking as of January 1, 1988.

    Parcel 4:

    Beginning at a point where an unnamed forest service road intersects the Old Western Maryland Railroad north of Kessler Tunnel, then along the railroad to the Potomac River shore, then with the shore downstream to the C&O Canal boundary, then with the boundary to a point 1,000 feet from the bank of the river, then maintaining a 1,000 foot distance from the bank to the northerly edge of the unnamed service road, then with the road to the beginning.

    Exempting all areas in this Parcel 4 designated or legally used for vehicle parking as of January 1, 1988.

    Parcel 5:

    An island in the Potomac River of approximately 30 acres known as Mandy Brown Island located near the Western Maryland Railroad Bridge north of Kessler Tunnel.

    Parcel 6:

    Beginning at a point where the Tunnel Hill Road crosses the C&O Canal boundary at its easternmost point near the Tunnel Hill hiking trail then with the southern boundary of the road to the Western Maryland Railroad south of Kessler Tunnel, then with the railroad in a southwesterly direction to the shore of the Potomac River, then running upstream to the C&O Canal Park, then with the canal boundary northerly to the beginning.

    Exempting all areas in this Parcel 6 designated or legally used for vehicle parking as of January 1, 1988.

    Parcel 7:

    Beginning at a point, said point being the northeast corner of a tract of land designated as Potomac Bends Wildland Parcel 6, by subsection (l) of this section, then running in a northwest direction to a point where Parcel 6 intersects the east boundary of National Park Service land, then running in a northeast direction to a point where the east boundary of the National Park Service land intersects Potomac Bends Wildland, Parcel 4, then running in a southeast direction along the south boundary of the Potomac Bends Wildland, Parcel 4, to a point where the aforementioned line meets the west boundary of the abandoned Western Maryland Railroad bed, then running in a southwest direction along the west boundary of the abandoned Western Maryland Railroad bed to the point of beginning, meaning to include all State-owned and only State-owned lands within this described peninsula.

    Exempting all areas in this Parcel 7 designated or legally used for vehicle parking as of January 1, 1996.

    (m) Calvert Cliffs Wildland. -- In accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, the property in Calvert County containing approximately 1079 acres of land and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Calvert Cliffs Wildland":

    Beginning at a point 1700 feet northeast of the intersection of old Route 2/4 and Camp Canoy Road and proceeding in a clockwise direction around the wildland along the following approximate distances and directions: leaving the beginning point and running along Camp Canoy Road in a northeasterly direction 700 feet, then leaving the road and following the irregular northwest park boundary for 9 courses and distances back to Camp Canoy Road, then running in a northeasterly direction 842 feet to a private drive, then following the drive and the park boundary until it reaches the Chesapeake Bay, then running along the shoreline for 7050 feet more or less to the park's easternmost point, then running along the southern border of the park to Route 497, then running northwest along Route 497 and the park boundary for 1092 feet more or less, then leaving Route 497 and following the irregular park boundary to the point of intersection with Maryland grid line 963,000 east, then leaving the park boundary and running directly north for 1650 feet to a park road, then running on the north side of the park road in a northwesterly direction for 2000 feet, then leaving the road and running north 40 degrees east 700 feet, then north 350 feet then north 40 degrees west for 2100 feet to the point of beginning.

    Exempting a corridor of 30 feet from either side of the existing park service road to the youth camping area.

    Exempting a corridor of 30 feet from either side of the park service road to the Chesapeake Bay and also the park road leading to the three existing structures southeast of the tidal marsh. Also exempting an area around each of these structures extending 30 feet from the structures' exterior walls. Uses will be limited to conservation education and research.

    Exempting a parcel beginning at a point on the park road leading to Camp Canoy, the point being 1800 feet southeast of the intersection of the park road and the private drive off of Camp Canoy Road and running the following courses and distances: northeast 800 feet, then southeast 2800 feet, then southwest 1000 feet, then northwest 2200 feet to the point of beginning.

    (n) Black Marsh Wildland. --

       (1) In accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, the property in Baltimore County within North Point State Park containing approximately 667 acres of land and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Black Marsh Wildland":

    Parcel 1:

    Beginning at a point on the northeast corner of the intersection between Route 20 and an existing haul road, then following the east side of Route 20 northeasterly for 305 feet to a point, then following the boundary of North Point State Park along 4 courses generally northeasterly to the intersection of the boundary with the south side of Miller's Island Road, then following the south side of Miller's Island Road easterly for 5,910 feet to the south corner of the intersection between Miller's Island Road and Baylight Road, then following the south side of Baylight Road easterly for 1,356 feet to the point of intersection between Baylight Road and the boundary of North Point State Park generally southwesterly along 6 courses to the mean high water line of the Chesapeake Bay, then following the mean high water line of the Chesapeake Bay southwesterly for 8,828 feet to a point, then leaving the shoreline and extending northwesterly in 4 courses of 696.91 feet (north 56 degrees, 52 minutes, 30 seconds west), 200.75 feet (north 18 degrees, 37 minutes, 43 seconds east), 115.91 feet (north 20 degrees, 33 minutes, 41 seconds west), and 378.05 feet (north 48 degrees, 33 minutes, and 58 seconds west) to a point on the southeast side of Bay Shore Road, then following the southeast side of Bay Shore Road northeasterly for 1,521.5 feet and continuing along the northeast side of Bay Shore Road northwesterly for 2,135 feet to a point, then following a north, northeast arc for 976 feet to the east edge of the aforementioned, existing haul road, and then following the east, northeast side of the haul road for 2,016 feet to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 2:

    Beginning at the southeast corner of the intersection between Route 20 and the aforementioned existing haul road, then following the southwest, west side of the haul road southerly for 2,649 feet to the north corner of the intersection between the haul road and Bay Shore Road, then following the northeast side of Bay Shore Road northwesterly for 248 feet to the east corner of the intersection between Bay Shore Road and Route 20, and then following the east side of Route 20 northeasterly to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 3:

    Beginning at the intersection between the boundary of North Point State Park and the north side of Miller's Island Road, then following the park boundary in 8 courses to the mean high water line on the south shore of Back River, then following the mean high water line of Back River easterly for 2,980 feet to the intersection between the mean high water line and the boundary of North Point State Park, then following the boundary of North Point State Park generally southeasterly in 3 courses to the intersection of the park boundary with the north side of Miller's Island Road, and then following the north side of Miller's Island Road westerly for 5,894 feet to the point of beginning.

       (2) For purposes of this subsection, a 60-foot wide park access corridor shall be recognized between Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. The corridor shall be defined as 30 feet from each side of the centerline of the existing haul road. The surface of the park access road to be placed in the corridor shall be no more than 24 feet in width.

       (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the Department may:

          (i) Convert existing dirt roads in Parcel 1 of the Black Marsh Wildland to pedestrian trails of not more than 8 feet in width, and vehicular use of the trails shall be limited to construction and maintenance operations of the Department;

          (ii) Construct no more than 2 viewing platforms adjacent to trails for public observation of areas with value for education, research, and appreciation of natural resources; and

          (iii) Establish temporary access roads to the shoreline in Parcels 1 and 3 solely for the purpose of shoreline stabilization, provided that:

             1. A comprehensive study, with opportunity for citizen input, is conducted on the necessity and methods for shoreline stabilization and that opportunities for nonstructural and offshore stabilization are considered the highest priority;

             2. The use of any access road is demonstrated to be necessary to accomplish the required stabilization; and

             3. After the completion of any shoreline stabilization, any access road shall be removed immediately and the area used for the access road shall be allowed to revert to its natural conditions.

    (o) Cedar Island Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Somerset County containing approximately 2,880 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Cedar Island Wildland":

       Beginning for the same, at a post set up in the shore by the southerly side of the Little Annemessex River, at the mouth of a cove or small creek, lying to the west side of Broad Creek, said post being the beginning of a tract called "The Re-survey of Broad Neck" described in a patent from the State of Maryland to Oliver S. Horsey, dated August 27, 1891, and recorded in Liber W.R.H. no. 2, Folio 371, in the State Archives; the said tract being the same and identical tract conveyed to the State of Maryland by Sifford Pearre and Angelica Y. Pearre, his wife, and Phillip L. Poe and Grace Morris Poe, his wife, by a deed dated March 31, 1949 and recorded in the land records of Somerset County, Maryland in Liber 146, Folio 154. Said post also being the beginning of a tract of land called "Broad Creek North West". Then leaving said post and running by and with the 1st line of "Broad Creek North West" south 50 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 5,540.00 feet to a post set up by the northerly side of "the prong" of the said Broad Creek, then running, south 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1980.00 feet across the said prong to Broad Creek, thence down and with the westerly side of Broad Creek, and binding thereon, the following eight (8) courses and distances: south 37 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 841.50 feet to a point, then running north 78 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 577.50 feet to a point, then running south 03 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 511.50 feet to a point, then running south 22 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 429.00 feet to a point, then running south 07 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 726.00 feet to a point, then running south 12 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 907.50 feet to a point, then running south 41 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 280.50 feet to a point, then running south 09 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 825.00 feet to the mouth of the said Broad Creek, at Pocomoke Sound, thence by and with the shore of the said Pocomoke Sound, Cedar Straights and Tangier Sound, and binding thereon, to the mouth of the aforesaid Little Annemessex River, as follows, viz: south 76 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 660.00 feet to a point, then running south 50 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 775.50 feet to a point, then running south 06 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 313.50 feet to a point, then running south 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 676.50 feet to a point, then running north 76 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 874.50 feet to a point, then running south 66 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 280.50 feet to a point, then running south 03 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 330.00 feet to a point, then running north 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 907.50 feet to a point, then running north 31 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 478.50 feet to a point, then running south 71 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1782.00 feet to the mouth of "Fishing Creek", thence south 52 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 2,508.00 feet across the mouth of Fishing Creek, thence north 82 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,089.00 feet to a point, thence north 43 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 660.00 feet to a point, thence north 72 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 627.00 feet to a point, thence north 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 841.50 feet to a point, thence north 49 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,039.50 feet to a point, thence north 31 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 2,706.00 feet to the aforesaid Tangier Sound, thence by and with the shore of the said Tangier Sound, and binding thereon, the following fourteen (14) courses and distances: north 15 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,749.00 feet to a point, then running north 71 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 660.00 feet to a point, then running north 06 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 1,188.00 feet to a point, then running north 27 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 726.00 feet to a point, then running north 12 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,056.00 feet to a point, then running north 36 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 1,782.00 feet to a point, then running north 03 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 841.50 feet to a point, then running north 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,452.00 feet to a point, then running north 14 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 990.00 feet to a point, then running north 63 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 429.00 feet to a point, then running north 04 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 2,442.00 feet to a point, then running north 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 429.00 feet to a point, then running north 31 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 462.00 feet to a point, then running north 40 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 115.50 feet to the mouth of the aforesaid Little Annemessex River, thence binding with the southerly side of the Little Annemessex River the following six (6) courses and distances: south 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,039.50 feet to a point, then running south 14 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 297.00 feet to a point, then running south 86 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 478.50 feet to a point, then running south 05 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 924.00 feet to a point, then running south 64 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 396.00 feet to a point, then running south 71 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 4,818.00 feet to the point of beginning, being the same and all the land which was conveyed unto the said Sifford Pearre and Phillip L. Poe by Sifford Pearre, Phillip L. Poe, and Angelica Y. Pearre, trustees and directors of Cedar Island, Inc., dissolved, by deed dated October 19, 1948 and recorded in the land records of Somerset County, Maryland in Liber B.L.B. 145, Folio 412.

       (2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, the Department may permit motorized boat access and use within the boundary of the Cedar Island Wildland.

    (p) St. Mary's River Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section that property in St. Mary's County containing approximately 1,445 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "St. Mary's River Wildland":

       Beginning for the same at a cedar stob and axle, said point being at the end of the 50th line of a tract of land which by deed dated July 29, 1968 and recorded in Liber 143, Folio 257 in the land records of St. Mary's County was conveyed by Hall Properties Inc. to the State of Maryland, Department of Forest and Parks, said tract of land was surveyed by John D. Emler and Associates in August of 1971, north 67 degrees 06 minutes 19 seconds east 215.71 feet to a cedar stob, then running north 80 degrees 26 minutes 56 seconds east 437.37 feet to a cedar stob, then running north 50 degrees 42 minutes 07 seconds east 441.07 feet to a point, then running north 62 degrees 15 minutes 32 seconds east 172.44 feet to a point, then running south 80 degrees 04 minutes 28 seconds east 94.30 feet to a point, then running north 86 degrees 35 minutes 32 seconds east 123.94 feet to a point, then running north 71 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds east 171.04 feet to a cedar stob, then running north 55 degrees 03 minutes 44 seconds east 193.03 feet to a point, then running north 16 degrees 57 minutes 13 seconds east 130.61 feet to a point, then running north 23 degrees 24 minutes 13 seconds east 86.58 feet to a point, then running north 50 degrees 33 minutes 13 seconds east 75.09 feet to a point, then running north 85 degrees 47 minutes 13 seconds east 386.84 feet to a cedar stob, then running north 74 degrees 37 minutes 13 seconds east 163.27 feet to a cedar stob, then running north 78 degrees 25 minutes 22 seconds east 50.43 feet to the southern edge of the Southern Maryland Electric Coop., Inc. right-of-way (Liber 77, Folio 403) and running with the southern side of said right-of-way south 77 degrees 34 minutes 06 seconds east 2,405.56 feet to a point in the west line of lot 6 of the Woodrow W. Hall subdivision number one as per plat thereof recorded in plat Liber CBG no. 5, Folio 103 of the land records of St. Mary's County, and running with the remaining line of lot 6 and with lots 7 through 10 the following two courses: south 08 degrees 23 minutes 10 seconds west 472.00 feet to a point, then running south 12 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds west 510.07 feet to a point, then running with the southerly line of lot 10 south 78 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds east 276.77 feet to a point, then running south 78 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds east 80.00 feet to a point, then running north 11 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds east 150.00 feet to a point in the southeast corner of lot 11a as shown on the plat of the Woodrow W. Hall subdivision number one, revision of lots 11 thru 17, said plat recorded in the land records of St. Mary's County in Liber DBK 7, Folio 55, and then running south 78 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds east 151.88 to a point on the eastern edge of the Southern Maryland Electric Coop., Inc. right-of-way (Liber 124, Folio 304) and then running with the eastern side of said right-of-way south 15 degrees 05 minutes 26 seconds west 2,986.32 feet to a point said point intersecting the 23rd line of a tract of land which by deed dated July 7, 1976 and recorded in the land records of St. Mary's County in Liber 255, Folio 156 was conveyed by Joseph B. Norris to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, said tract of land was surveyed by John D. Emler and Associates in August of 1971 and running with the remainder of the 23rd and with the 22nd through the 18th lines the following courses and distances: south 34 degrees 01 minutes 38 seconds east 161.93 feet to a point, then running south 24 degrees 01 minutes 38 seconds east 181.88 feet to a point, then running south 32 degrees 01 minutes 38 seconds east 401.87 feet to a point, then running south 25 degrees 01 minutes 38 seconds east 195.73 feet to a point, then running south 25 degrees 01 minutes 38 seconds east 366.66 feet to a point, then running south 40 degrees 46 minutes 38 seconds east 180.86 feet to a point, then running south 41 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 2,010.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 60 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 1,480.00 feet more or less, to a cedar post at the edge of a stream (Md State coordinate north 157897.609, east 942613.086), said point being the end of the 4th line of a tract of land which by deed dated December 14, 1974 and recorded in Liber 222, Folio 255 of the land records of St. Mary's County, was conveyed by Eleanor G. Bruff and Florence G. Wilhide, trustees, to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running then with the 5th and 6th lines of said conveyance, south 77 degrees 29 minutes 51 seconds east 258.44 feet, then running south 10 degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds west 2,012.08 feet to a stone and hickory tree (Md State plane coordinate north 155960.175, east 942515.830), said stone being the end of the 32nd line of a tract of land which by deed dated June 1, 1973 and recorded in Liber 192, Folio 42 of the land records of St. Mary's County was conveyed by Molland Enterprises, Inc. to the State of Maryland to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running then with the 33rd line of said conveyance south 33 degrees 29 minutes 24 seconds east 734.08 feet to an iron pipe and cedar stob at a small creek, said pipe and stob being the beginning of a tract of land which by deed dated July 10, 1983 and recorded in Liber 153, Folio 21 in the land records of St. Mary's County was conveyed by John A. and Rose B. Cecil to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running with the 1st and 2nd lines of said conveyance south 05 degrees 50 minutes 09 seconds west 561.00 feet to a fence tree, then running south 06 degrees 47 minutes 50 seconds east 1,108.55 feet to a fence post (Md State plane coordinate north 153689.053, east 942995.082), said post being the beginning of the 29th line of a tract of land which by deed dated November 5, 1971 and recorded in Liber 172, Folio 399 of the land records of St. Mary's County was conveyed by Leonard and Gladys Demant to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Forest and Parks and running then with the 29th through the 51st line of said conveyance as follows: south 05 degrees 42 minutes 59 seconds east 290.46 feet to a fence post, then running south 04 degrees 38 minutes 32 seconds east 285.22 feet to a fence corner, then running south 03 degrees 30 minutes 17 seconds east 326.88 feet to a fence corner, then running south 01 degrees 35 minutes 53 seconds east 649.91 feet to a fence corner, then running to and with a center line of an abandoned county road north 33 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds west 43.40 feet to a point, then running north 64 degrees 33 minutes 29 seconds west 96.92 feet to a point, then running north 59 degrees 30 minutes 44 seconds west 133.00 feet to a point, then running north 64 degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds west 129.54 feet to a point, then running north 73 degrees 40 minutes 03 seconds west 90.19 feet to a point, then running north 75 degrees 47 minutes 19 seconds west 109.92 feet to a point, then running north 87 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds west 94.59 feet to a point, then running south 89 degrees 22 minutes 22 seconds west 97.02 feet to a point, then running south 86 degrees 32 minutes 19 seconds west 95.04 feet to a point, then running south 86 degrees 34 minutes 31 seconds west 95.02 feet to a point, then running south 83 degrees 45 minutes 25 seconds west 98.16 feet to a point, then running south 79 degrees 13 minutes 55 seconds west 250.73 feet to a point, then running to and with the north line of said abandoned county road, north 20 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds west 9.49 feet to a point, then running south 89 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds west 57.00 feet to a point, then running south 83 degrees 22 minutes 58 seconds west 102.94 feet to a cedar stob, then running north 75 degrees 22 minutes 07 seconds west 112.29 feet to a cedar stob, then running north 64 degrees 35 minutes 50 seconds west 111.58 feet to a point, then running north 70 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds west 94.00 feet to an iron axle on the northerly bank of a run, then running north 69 degrees 50 minutes 36 seconds west 237.12 to a point, then running with the northeast side of Indian Bridge Road in a northwesterly direction 7,650.00 feet more or less, to a point, then leaving said road and running, east 950.00 feet, then running north 1,000.00 feet, then running west 400.00 feet, then running south 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,050.00 feet to the northeast side of Indian Bridge Road, then running with the northeast side of Indian Bridge Road in a northwesterly direction 3,450.00 feet to a point on the northeast side of said road, (Md State plane coordinates north 160260.563, east 933839.815), said point also being the beginning of a tract of land which by deed dated July 15, 1971 and recorded in Liber 169, Folio 342 of the land records of St. Mary's County was conveyed by Fairway, Inc. to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forests and Parks, and running then with the 1st line of said conveyance as described on a plat of survey by John D. Emler and Associates dated July, 1971, north 62 degrees 08 minutes 45 seconds east 713.24 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 18 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,885.00 feet more or less, to a point, said point being at the end of the 36th line of a tract of land as described in aforesaid conveyance from Hall Properties Inc. (Liber 143, Folio 257), then running north 2,385.00 feet more or less, to the point of beginning.

       (2) Exempting from the above description a 100 foot wide right-of-way belonging to the Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. as described in Liber 35, Folio 312, and Liber 35, Folio 292, of the land records of St. Mary's County.

       (3) The use of approximately 40 acres north of Indian Bridge Road for a shooting range operated by the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Department may continue until such time as an alternative site is established.

       (4) Within part of the St. Mary's River Wildland are thirty (30) acres of leased agricultural land located approximately 1,500 feet northeast of Indian Bridge Road. This use may continue until December 31, 1999.

       (5) Exempting from the above description that acreage subject to an existing or future easement agreed to between the Department of Natural Resources and St. Mary's County Government associated with improvements to Indian Bridge Road.

    (q) Mattawoman Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section that property in Charles County containing approximately 1,605 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Mattawoman Wildland":

    Parcel 1:

       Beginning at a point, said point being the end of the south 16 degrees 32 minutes 12 seconds west 543.06 foot line of the first Parcel of a tract of land which by deed dated December 7, 1979 and recorded in Liber 690, Folio 228 of the land records of Charles County was conveyed by Potomac Sand and Gravel Company to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources and running with an old road bed south 25 degrees 57 minutes 41 seconds west 466.37 feet to a point, then running north 65 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds west 15.00 feet to a point, then running south 24 degrees 45 minutes 33 seconds west 97.95 feet to a point, then running south 65 degrees 14 minutes 07 seconds east 15.00 feet to a point, then running south 24 degrees 45 minutes 53 seconds west 255.72 feet to a point on the northern right-of-way of Maryland Route 224, and then with said right-of-way running in a southeasterly direction 8,159.00 feet more or less, to a point, said point being the end of the 39th line of a tract of land which by deed dated June 6, 1985, and recorded in Liber 1076, Folio 72 of the land records of Charles County, was conveyed by Potomac Homestead Company to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and then running with the 40th, 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lines of said conveyance north 08 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 45.00 feet to a point, then running south 80 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds west 80.00 feet to a point, then running south 08 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 45.00 feet to a point, then running south 80 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds west 15.00 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 08 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 532.55 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 22 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds west 463.86 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 09 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds west 463.53 feet to an iron pipe at the end of the 23rd line of a tract of land which by deed dated May 2, 1975, and recorded in Liber 387, Folio 65 of the land records of Charles County, was conveyed by Grace W. Fuss to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources and running with said conveyance the following courses and distances as surveyed by Lorenzi, Dodds, & Gunnill Inc. in August 1973, south 24 degrees 35 minutes 11 seconds west 1,609.73 feet to an iron pipe, then running south 68 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds west 88.98 feet to an iron pipe, then running south 22 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds east 209.00 feet to an iron pipe in the northern right-of-way of Maryland Route 224, then running with said right-of-way 790.00 feet more or less, to an iron pipe, then running north 54 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds west 110.10 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 64 degrees 46 minutes 46 seconds west 151.60 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 41 degrees 00 minutes 46 seconds west 15.80 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 60 degrees 33 minutes 34 seconds west 111.60 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 78 degrees 14 minutes 34 seconds west 89.93 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 76 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds west 167.78 feet to an iron pipe, then running south 50 degrees 12 minutes 34 seconds west 30.00 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 39 degrees 05 minutes 28 seconds west 2180.01 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 58 degrees 08 minutes 53 seconds east 104.92 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 38 degrees 37 minutes 07 seconds west 208.50 feet to an iron pipe, then running north 57 degrees 46 minutes 53 seconds east 195.70 feet to a point, then running north 32 degrees 40 minutes 07 seconds west 53.85 feet to a point, then running north 66 degrees 02 minutes 53 seconds east 64.40 feet to a point, then running south 59 degrees 39 minutes 07 seconds east 59.40 feet to a point on the mean high water line of Mattawoman Creek, then running, with said creek in a southeasterly direction 1,120.00 feet, then running with said creek in a northeasterly direction 820.07 feet to an iron pipe at the end of the 5th line of a tract of land which by deed dated June 6, 1985, and recorded in Liber 1076, Folio 72 of the land records of Charles County, was conveyed by Potomac Homestead Company to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, then running along the southerly shoreline of Mattawoman Creek in a northeasterly direction with said conveyance 2,569.00 feet more or less, then running along the southerly shoreline of Mattawoman Creek in a southeasterly direction 2,148.00 feet more or less, then running along the southerly shoreline of Mattawoman Creek in a northeasterly direction 657.00 feet more or less, to a point, said point being north 04 degrees, 45 minutes, 55 seconds, east 30.00 feet from a concrete monument, said point also being in the north 13 degrees 06 minutes 47 seconds west 2,491.09 feet from the line of aforesaid conveyance from Potomac Sand and Gravel Co., and running then with the remainder of said line, north 13 degrees 06 minutes 47 seconds west 500.00 feet to a point, then running for the remainder of this description with the line of said conveyance from Potomac Sand and Gravel Co. the following courses and distances to wit: north 63 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 2,050.00 feet to a point, then running north 50 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,201.90 feet to a point, said point having Maryland State plane coordinates north 275294.32, east 755600.34, then running north 40 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 187.11 feet to a point, then running north 80 degrees 28 minutes 02 seconds east 346.00 feet to a pipe, then running north 77 degrees 23 minutes 02 seconds east 75.68 feet to a pipe, then running north 48 degrees 41 minutes 22 seconds east 469.77 feet to a pipe, then running north 29 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds east 667.71 feet to a pipe, then running north 15 degrees 39 minutes 31 seconds east 221.68 feet to a pipe, then running north 33 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds east 154.85 feet to a pipe, then running north 09 degrees 51 minutes 24 seconds east 206.97 feet to a pipe, then running north 61 degrees 13 minutes 36 seconds east 373.01 feet to a pipe, then running north 69 degrees 51 minutes 27 seconds east 236.98 feet to a point, then running south 69 degrees 56 minutes 05 seconds east 144.00 feet to a point, then running north 66 degrees 38 minutes 55 seconds east 200.00 feet to a pipe, then running north 38 degrees 08 minutes 55 seconds east 269.78 feet to a pipe, then running north 61 degrees 39 minutes 13 seconds east 310.11 feet to a pipe, then running north 16 degrees 22 minutes 48 seconds east 188.09 feet to a pipe, then running north 23 degrees 58 minutes 36 seconds east 300.03 feet to a pipe, said point having Maryland State plane coordinates north 278055.05, east 758479.37, then running north 40 degrees 58 minutes 49 seconds east 244.06 feet to a pipe, then running south 02 degrees 05 minutes 58 seconds east 121.00 feet to a point, then running north 37 degrees 21 minutes 11 seconds east 213.91 feet to a pipe, then running north 79 degrees 33 minutes 08 seconds east 132.63 feet to a point, then running north 39 degrees 11 minutes 20 seconds east 199.05 feet to a point, then running north 87 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds east 217.26 feet to a point, then running south 59 degrees 28 minutes 03 seconds east 170.28 feet to a point, then running south 32 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds east 413.00 feet to a point, then running north 64 degrees 09 minutes 21 seconds east 135.00 feet to a point, then running south 54 degrees 24 minutes 39 seconds east 100.00 feet to a point, then running south 63 degrees 24 minutes 39 seconds east 100.00 feet to a point, then running south 66 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds east 100.00 feet to a point, then running south 77 degrees 54minutes 39 seconds east 68.00 feet to a point, then running south 30 degrees 20 minutes 21 seconds west 30.00 feet to a point, then running south 57 degrees 24 minutes 38 seconds east 435.63 feet to a point, then running north 69 degrees 24 minutes 35 seconds east 530.47 feet to a point, then running north 59 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds west 282.82 feet to a point, then running north 80 degrees 21 minutes 07 seconds east 358.62 feet to a point, then running south 21 degrees 10 minutes 15 seconds east 27.29 feet to a point, then running north 88 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds east 640.75 feet to a point, then running north 67 degrees 52 minutes 49 seconds east 194.80 feet to a point, then running north 74 degrees 46 minutes 49 seconds east 423.50 feet to a pipe, then running south 81 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds east 224.64 feet to a pipe, then running south 71 degrees 39 minutes 13 seconds east 148.98 feet to a point, then running south 56 degrees 07 minutes 13 seconds east 419.94 feet to a point, then running south 06 degrees 40 minutes 13 seconds east 32.29 feet to a point, then running south 50 degrees 54 minutes 13 seconds east 338.35 feet to a point, then running north 39 degrees 05 minutes 37 seconds east 41.80 feet to a point, said point having Maryland State plane coordinates north 277691.44, east 763367.39, south 60 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 305.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 70 degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds east 160.51 feet to a point, then running south 54 degrees 09 minutes 13 seconds east 329.01 feet to a point, then running south 70 degrees 51 minutes 15 seconds east 1041.97 feet to the eastern right-of-way of Maryland Route 225, said point having Maryland State plane coordinates north 276961.48, east 765040.12, then running along the eastern right-of-way of Maryland Route 225 in a southerly direction 2,900.00 feet more or less, to a point, then leaving said right-of-way and running, south 16 degrees 32 minutes 12 seconds west 543.06 feet to the point of beginning.

       (2) Exempting from this description a parcel of land containing 31 acres more or less, conveyed to Carlisle and Nettie Abell and recorded in Liber 1684, Folio 368 of the land records of Charles County.

    Parcel 2:

       Beginning at a point, said point being the beginning of the second Parcel of the aforesaid tract of land conveyed to the State of Maryland by Potomac Sand and Gravel Co. (Liber 690, Folio 228), said point also being in the south side of Maryland Route 224, 75 feet from the centerline thereof and marking the corner of the Charles County Board of Education property (Liber 177, Folio 448) and running thence with the lines of said property, south 17 degrees 20 minutes 14 seconds east 900.88 feet to a pipe, then running north 84 degrees 05 minutes 07 seconds east 2,019.83 feet to a pipe, then leaving the Board of Education property, south 17 degrees 15 minutes 56 seconds east 410.81 feet to a pipe, then running south 22 degrees 56 minutes 52 seconds west 272.16 feet to a stone in the right-of-way line of Maryland Route 425, and then running with said road, south 31 degrees 49 minutes 32 seconds west 102.16 feet to a pipe, then running south 28 degrees 52 minutes 15 seconds west 118.60 feet to a pipe, then running south 23 degrees 00 minutes 11 seconds west 110.11 feet to a pipe, then running south 16 degrees 32 minutes 33 seconds west 117.64 feet to a pipe, then running south 11 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds west 126.49 feet to a pipe, then running south 04 degrees 21 minutes 02 seconds west 205.69 feet to a pipe, then leaving the road and running, south 46 degrees 02 minutes 27 seconds west 592.90 feet to a stone, then running south 10 degrees 11 minutes 22 seconds west 1446.91 feet to a stone, then running south 03 degrees 09 minutes 57 seconds east 382.21 feet to a stone, then running south 85 degrees 52 minutes 32 seconds west 962.05 feet to a pipe, then running south 83 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds west 880.28 feet to a stone, then running north 16 degrees 20 minutes 18 seconds west 1,256.57 feet to a stone, then running south 75 degrees 28 minutes 59 seconds west 163.73 feet to a stone, then running north 12 degrees 04 minutes 42 seconds west 846.73 feet to a stone, then running south 73 degrees 14 minutes 54 seconds west 994.60 feet to a pipe on the east side of Nelson Road, then with said road, north 25 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds west 197.51 feet to a pipe, then running north 41 degrees 44 minutes 19 seconds west 526.69 feet to a stone, then with the east side of an old roadway, north 15 degrees 07 minutes 05 seconds east 262.45 feet to a pipe, then running north 17 degrees 52 minutes 55 seconds west 295.25 feet to a stone, then running north 05 degrees 53 minutes 18 seconds west 648.53 feet to a pipe, then running north 20 degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds west 149.27 feet to a stone in the south side of Maryland Route 224, then with Maryland Route 224, north 72 degrees 41 minutes 35 seconds east 1,849.04 feet to a point, then running south 17 degrees 18 minutes 25 seconds east 15.00 feet to a point, then running north 72 degrees 41 minutes 35 seconds east 65.00 feet to a point, then running north 17 degrees 18 minutes 25 seconds west 15.00 feet to a point, then running north 72 degrees 41 minutes 35 seconds east 860.30 feet to the point of beginning.

       (3) Exempting a 6-acre tract of land located in the northeast corner of the above described Parcel of land, said Parcel is to be reserved for the use of the Charles County Board of Education, Lackey High School.

       (4) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, the Department may:

          (i) Permit motorized boat access and use within the boundary of the Mattawoman Wildland; and

          (ii) Permit commercial fishing guide operations, provided the base of operations for the commercial activity is not located within the boundary of the Mattawoman Wildland.

    (r) Soldiers Delight Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Baltimore County containing approximately 1,526 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Soldiers Delight Wildland":

    Parcel 1:

       Beginning at a stone marked "18", the beginning of the 12th line of the land which by deed dated December 26, 1972 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5325, Folio 537 was conveyed by Samuel Sietz to the State of Maryland, for the use of Forest and Parks, and running thence, south 57 degrees 48 minutes 11 seconds east 650.00 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-316", then running north 51 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds east 528.00 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-313", then running north 65 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds east 792.00 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-309", then running north 51 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds east 990.00 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-305", then running north 1 degree 53 minutes 50 seconds west 462.00 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-303", then running north 37 degrees 06 minutes 10 seconds east 264.00 feet to a steel bar "DFP-MD-LWR-300", then running north 39 degrees 50 minutes 51 seconds east 932.25 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-298", then running south 50 degrees 58 minutes 08 seconds east 738.25 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-294", then running south 55 degrees 23 minutes 12 seconds east 1,092.79 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-153", then running south 87 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds east 264.72 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-350", then running north 41 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds east 1,184.11 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-343", south 0 degrees 03 minutes 44 seconds west 671.56 feet then running south 2 degrees 52 minutes 08 seconds west 249.28 feet to a steel bar marked "DFP-MD-LWR-217", south 2 degrees 52 minutes 08 seconds west 1,290.00 feet more or less, then running in a southwesterly direction on the northern side of Wards Chapel Road for approximately 3,120 feet more or less, to a concrete monument marked "DFP-MD-LWR-185", located approximately 25 feet north of Wards Chapel Road, then running north 64 degrees 46 minutes 58 seconds west 731.50 feet to a stone, south 29 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 648.30 feet to an iron rod on the west margin of Wards Chapel Road, thence running along the northwest edge of Wards Chapel Road in a southerly direction approximately 620 feet more or less, to a point on the northwesterly edge of Wards Chapel Road, said point being the end of the 4th line of the land by which deed dated December 22, 1978 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5979, Folio 642 was conveyed by Charles J. Brady, John E. Brady, Mary Louise Ruch, and Margaret E. Miller to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, then running north 68 degrees 16 minutes 58 seconds west 192.64 feet to a stone, then running north 63 degrees 34 minutes 35 seconds west 494.51 feet to a stone, then running south 21 degrees 17 minutes 38 seconds west 243.84 feet to a stone, then running south 21 degrees 20 minutes 21 seconds west 252.57 feet to a stone, then running south 21 degrees 26 minutes 51 seconds west 860.11 feet to a stone, at a point on the 40th line of the land which by deed dated November 14, 1978 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5960, Folio 064 was conveyed by Josephine C. Greene, Constance C. Owings, George G. Carey Jr., and Rosalie C. Wood to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, south 69 degrees 38 minutes 55 seconds east 410.00 feet more or less, to a stone marked "19", then running south 21 degrees 54 minutes 53 seconds west 395.39 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-421", then running along the northwest edge of Wards Chapel Road in a southwesterly direction approximately 405 feet more or less, to a point on the 3rd line of the aforementioned deed, then running north 80 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds west 1,407.69 feet to a pipe, then running south 9 degrees 02 minutes 28 seconds west 664.16 feet, to a city concrete monument, then running north 80 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds west 1,105.70 feet, to a city concrete monument, then running north 8 degrees 33 minutes 36 seconds east 591.15 feet, to a city concrete monument, then running north 8 degrees 33 minutes 36 seconds east 1,191.60 feet, to a stone "9", then running north 9 degrees 17 minutes 15 seconds west 2,231.10 feet, to a stone "10", then running south 68 degrees 37 minutes 26 seconds east 140.87 feet, to a stone "11", then running north 9 degrees 51 minutes 17 seconds west 50.17 feet, to a stone "12", then running north 23 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds west 341.25 feet, to a stone, then running south 80 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 697.95 feet, then running north 48 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 263.65 feet to a stone and then running south 89 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 355.10 feet to the point of beginning.

    Parcel 2:

       Beginning at a point on a line, 1,102.14 feet from the beginning of the 3rd line of Parcel 1 on the land which by deed dated October 7, 1971 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5225, Folio 427 was conveyed by Samuel R. Zetzer, Homewood Holding Company et al. to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, on the south side of Wards Chapel Road where the aforementioned road meets the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company of Maryland right-of-way, and running thence, south 2 degrees 52 minutes 08 seconds west 1,277.14 feet, then running south 3 degrees 15 minutes 19 seconds west 1,747.92 feet, then running south 4 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds west 1,193.24 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-219", then running south 4 degrees 47 minutes 16 seconds west 1,755.00 feet, then running south 4 degrees 47 minutes 12 seconds west 24.64 feet, then running south 4 degrees 45 minutes 92 seconds west 1,315.89 feet to a steel bar marked "DFP-MD-LWR-371", then running north 61 degrees 27 minutes 23 seconds west 163.94 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-370", then running north 61 degrees 27 minutes 23 seconds west 1,863.41 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-364", then running north 3 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds west 600.00 feet to a stone "20-1801", then running north 42 degrees 06 minutes 38 seconds east 329.64 feet to a stone "19" (not the aforementioned stone marked 19), then running south 62 degrees 56 minutes 22 seconds east 257.56 feet to a bolt found in a pile of rocks, then running north 4 degrees 24 minutes 43 seconds east 215.92 feet to a stone, then running north 58 degrees 30 minutes 43 seconds west 458.89 feet, then running south 88 degrees 43 minutes 26 seconds west 442.58 feet to a stone, then running north 3 degrees 57 minutes 52 seconds west 1,732.50 feet to a pipe, then running north 3 degrees 57 minutes 52 seconds west 209.99 feet to fence fragments, then running north 87 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds west 271.00 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-453", then running north 2 degrees 55 minutes 42 seconds west 377.96 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-455", then running north 2 degrees 55 minutes 42 seconds west 98.69 feet, then running north 28 degrees 40 minutes 16 seconds east 627.00 feet to a stone found "D", then running north 28 degrees 40 minutes 16 seconds east 99.00 feet, then running north 53 degrees 40 minutes 16 seconds east 260.29 feet to a point at the end of the 2nd line of the land which by deed dated January 24, 1990 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 8395, Folio 016, was conveyed by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, north 33 degrees 15 minutes 54 seconds west 776.00 feet to a steel bar set in the southeasterly side of the macadam paving of the Wards Chapel Road, thence running in a northeasterly direction along Wards Chapel Road approximately 3,425 feet to the point of beginning.

       (2) Exempting the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and Susquehanna Power Company rights-of-way.

    Parcel 3:

       Beginning at a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-142", on a line, 869.24 feet from the beginning of the 1st line of Parcel 2 on the land which by deed dated October 7, 1971 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5225, Folio 427 was conveyed by Samuel R. Zetzer, Homewood Holding Company et al. to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, on the south side of Wards Chapel Road where the aforementioned road meets the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company of Maryland row, and running thence, south 2 degrees 52 minutes 08 seconds west 1,277.14 feet, then running south 3 degrees 15 minutes 19 seconds west 1,747.92 feet, then running south 4 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds west 1,193.24 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-219", then running south 4 degrees 47 minutes 16 seconds west 1755.00 feet, then running south 4 degrees 47 minutes 12 seconds west 24.64 feet, then running south 4 degrees 45 minutes 92 seconds west 1,315.89 feet to a steel bar marked "DFP-MD-LWR-371", then running south 61 degrees 27 minutes 23 seconds west 109.28 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-372", then running south 61 degrees 27 minutes 23 seconds west 168.76 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-397", then running north 37 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds east 353.20 feet to a stone, then running north 65 degrees 55 minutes 16 seconds east 298.16 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-401", then running north 30 degrees 25 minutes 16 seconds east 200.43 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-402", then running north 8 degrees 25 minutes 16 seconds east 240.18 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-403", then running south 70 degrees 17 minutes 23 seconds east 158.82 feet to a steel bar marked "DFP-MD-LWR-383", then running south 70 degrees 17 minutes 23 seconds east 390.12 feet, then running south 70 degrees 17 minutes 23 seconds east 515.22 feet to a steel bar marked "DFP-MD-LWR-387", then running north 26 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds east 1,143.27 feet to a steel bar marked "DFP-MD-LWR-393", then running north 26 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds east 176.73 feet, then running north 26 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds east 415.80 feet to a point on the northern side of Mountain View Road, 505 feet more or less, from the end of the 11th line of the land which by deed dated June 7, 1989 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5372, Folio 291 was conveyed by John T. Bachman to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence south 70 degrees 38 minutes 58 seconds east 495.00 feet to a point where Mountain View Road and Deer Park Road intersect, thence running in a northwesterly direction on the southwest side of Deer Park Road for a distance of 5,610 feet to a point at the end of the 2nd line of the land which by deed dated November 9, 1989 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 8322, Folio 620 was conveyed by James Snodgrass and Joseph Snodgrass to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, south 54 degrees 45 minutes 04 seconds west 247.50 feet, then running north 29 degrees 14 minutes 56 seconds east 306.00 feet, then running north 55 degrees 06 minutes 48 seconds east 132.50 feet to a point at the southwest edge of Deer Park Road, then running north 34 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 217.50 feet to the point of beginning.

       (3) Exempting the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company power line right-of-way.

    Parcel 4:

       Beginning at a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-373", the beginning of the 3rd line of the land which by deed dated August 19, 1974 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5476, Folio 837 was conveyed by Charles R. McComas to the State of Maryland, for the use of Forest and Parks, and running thence north 42 degrees 02 minutes 25 seconds east 158.03 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-374", then running south 57 degrees 07 minutes 53 seconds east 606.74 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-236", then running south 18 degrees 23 minutes 34 seconds east 415.05 feet, then running north 27 degrees 30 minutes 09 seconds east 260.87 feet, then running south 57 degrees 07 minutes 53 seconds east 42.30 feet to a concrete monument stamped "DFP-MD-LWR-236", then running south 57 degrees 07 minutes 53 seconds east 1,671.36 feet, then running south 16 degrees 03 minutes 66 seconds east 267.69 feet to a steel bar "DFP-MD-LWR-115", then running north 45 degrees 39 minutes 32 seconds east 176.99 feet, then running south 57 degrees 07 minutes 53 seconds west 57.79 feet to a concrete monument with brass disk "B G & E Co.", then running north 87 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds east 890.00 feet to a point on the west side of a drive, then running with southwest side of said drive 750.00 feet more or less to a point, then leaving said drive and running south 08 degrees west 500.00 feet, then running south 36 degrees east 1,100.00 feet, then running south 71 degrees east 1,400.00 feet, then running north 83 degrees east 500 feet, then running south 01 degrees 23 minutes 41 seconds east 750.00 feet to a pipe, then running north 33 degrees 01 minutes 23 seconds west 230.89 feet to a stone, then running south 77 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds west 500.34 feet to a stone, then running south 22 degrees 16 minutes 43 seconds east 213.84 feet to a stone, then running south 78 degrees 08 minutes 35 seconds west 383.95 feet to a stone, then running north 48 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds west 548.67 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-50", then running south 38 degrees 17 minutes 07 seconds west 416.24 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-48", then running south 20 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds west 831.91 feet to a stone, then running south 53 degrees 34 minutes 16 seconds east 570.91 feet to a stone, then running south 59 degrees 13 minutes 45 seconds east 764.58 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-37", then running south 27 degrees 19 minutes 04 seconds west 835.65 feet to a stone, then running south 77 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds west 791.36 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 63 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,077.45 feet to a point at the northwest edge of Dolfield Road, at the beginning of the last line of the land which by deed dated July 18, 1973 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5379, Folio 94 was conveyed by International Land and Development Co., Inc., to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, south 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 337.5 feet to a point at the end of the 11th line of which by deed dated October 7, 1971 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5225, Folio 427 was conveyed by Samuel R. Zetzer, Homewood Holding Company et al. to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, then running south 31 degrees 18 minutes 08 seconds west 1,012.13 feet, then running north 70 degrees 23 minutes 13 seconds west 887.00 feet to a stone, then running north 4 degrees 08 minutes 33 seconds west 902.12 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-283", then running north 70 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds west 519.83 feet to a steel bar "281", then running north 19 degrees 24 minutes 03 seconds east 330.00 feet, then running north 70 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds west 389.26 feet, then running south 19 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds east 330.00 feet, then running north 70 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds west 237.10 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-279", then running north 21 degrees 30 minutes 11 seconds west 528.19 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-277", then running north 75 degrees 11 minutes 07 seconds west 247.80 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-276", then running north 21 degrees 29 minutes 12 seconds west 62.04 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-275", then running north 75 degrees 11 minutes 07 seconds west 433.47 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-64", then running north 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 115.00 feet to a stone, then running south 75 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds east 305.00 feet to a steel bar "DFP-MD-LWR-274", then running north 27 degrees 37 minutes 34 seconds west 277.60 feet intersecting a point 623.80 feet from the beginning of the 16th line of the land which by deed dated October 7, 1971 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5225, Folio 427 was conveyed by Samuel R. Zetzer, Homewood Holding Company et al. to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, running thence, north 75 degrees 13 minutes 34 seconds west 297.04 feet to a stone at the northeast edge of Deer Park Road, then running in a northwesterly direction along the aforementioned road 325.00 feet to an iron pipe 18.6 feet from the northwest edge of the aforementioned road, then running north 54 degrees 53 minutes 34 seconds east 809.00 feet, then running north 35 degrees 06 minutes 26 seconds west 560.48 feet, then running south 54 degrees 53 minutes 34 seconds west 155.42 feet, then running north 35 degrees 06 minutes 26 seconds west 199.94 feet, then running south 54 degrees 53 minutes 34 seconds west 180.92 feet to a point at the northwest edge of Deer Park Road, then running in a northwesterly direction approximately 1,237.5 feet along the northwest edge of Deer Park Road to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-128", located 50.40 feet from the edge of the aforementioned road, then running north 30 degrees 15 minutes 08 seconds west 100.56 feet, then running north 34 degrees 04 minutes 12 seconds west 150.11 feet, then running north 44 degrees 38 minutes 49 seconds west 119.32 feet, then running north 51 degrees 06 minutes 39 seconds west 150.19 feet, then running north 43 degrees 52 minutes 12 seconds west 214.42 feet, then running north 37 degrees 25 minutes 59 seconds west 149.12 feet, then running north 36 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds west 142.03 feet, then running north 31 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds west 158.00 feet to a steel bar, then running north 26 degrees 43 minutes 43 seconds west 511.50 feet, then running north 54 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds east 841.50 feet, then running north 52 degrees 39 minutes 08 seconds west 170.20 feet to a stone, then running south 55 degrees 06 minutes 48 seconds west 132.00 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-238", then running south 55 degrees 06 minutes 48 seconds west 643.00 feet to the northeast side of Deer Park Road, then running along the aforementioned road 600 feet to a point, and running thence, south 89 degrees 56 minutes 47 seconds east 500.00 feet, then running north 0 degrees 03 minutes 13 seconds west 150.00 feet, then running north 89 degrees 56 minutes 47 seconds west 150.00 feet, then running north 00 degrees 32 minutes 31 seconds east 249.90 feet to a pipe, then running north 89 degrees 56 minutes 47 seconds west 348.50 feet to a point on the northeast side of Deer Park Road, running thence, in a northwesterly direction 670 feet to a point 600 feet from the beginning of the 2nd line of the land which by deed dated August 19, 1974 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5476, Folio 837 was conveyed by Charles R. McComas to the State of Maryland, for the use of Forest and Parks, thence running, north 2 degrees 52 minutes 08 seconds east 590.00 feet to a concrete monument "DFP-MD-LWR-373", the point of beginning.

       (4) Exempting from the above described Parcels the following described tracts:

    Tract 1:

       Beginning at a point, said point being the beginning of the above described Parcel 1 and then running, south 21 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds west 454.19 feet, then running south 04 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds west 318.98 feet, then running south 56 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds west 350.00 feet more or less to a point, then running north 48 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 380.00 feet more or less to a point, then running north 72 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 750.00 feet more or less to the end of the 35th line of Parcel 1, then running with the 36th, 37th, 38th, and 39th lines of said Parcel to the beginning.

    Tract 2:

       Beginning at a point, said point being north 69 degrees west 580.00 feet more or less from the end of the 24th line of Parcel 1, and then running north 69 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 580.00 feet, then running north 21 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 570.00 feet, then running north 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 450.00 feet, then running south 64 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 440.00 feet, then running north 17 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 430.00 feet, then running north 72 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 370.00 feet, then running north 19 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 450.00 feet, then running south 65 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 180.00 feet, then running north 82 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 470.00 feet, then running north 58 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 780.00 feet, then running north 32 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 770.00 feet, then running south 09 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 830.00 feet, then running south 59 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 340.00 feet, then running south 05 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 680.00 feet, then running north 59 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 720.00 feet, then running south 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 250.00 feet, then running south 75 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 370.00 feet, then running south 65 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 490.00 feet, then running south 24 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 670.00 feet, then running north 54 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 300.00 feet, then running south 18 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 580.00 feet to the point of beginning.

       Including also the existing right-of-way to Wards Chapel Road.

    Tract 3:

       Beginning at a point, said point being south 50 degrees west 160.00 feet more or less from the end of the 3rd line of the above described Parcel 1 and running north 52 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 170.00 feet, then running south 38 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 170.00 feet, then running south 52 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 170.00 feet, then running north 38 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 170.00 feet to the point of beginning.

       Including also the existing right-of-way to Wards Chapel Road.

    Tract 4:

       Beginning at a point, said point being south 26 degrees east 530.00 feet from the end of the 4th line of the above described Parcel 1 and running south 82 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 270.00 feet, then running south 08 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 270.00 feet, then running north 82 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 270.00 feet, then running north 08 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 270.00 feet to the point of beginning.

       Including also the existing right-of-way to Wards Chapel Road.

    Tract 5:

       Being a 20 foot right-of-way and described as follows: beginning at a point, said point being north 59 degrees 13 minutes 45 seconds west 141.60 feet from the end of the 26th line of the above described Parcel 4, and then running, north 88 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds west 29.50 feet, then running north 65 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds west 45.00 feet, then running north 56 degrees 30 minutes 40 seconds west 211.59 feet, then running north 82 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds west 26.71 feet, then running south 70 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds west 36.50 feet, then running south 39 degrees 39 minutes 50 seconds west 175.15 feet, then running south 40 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds west 282.86 feet, then running south 54 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds west 34.47 feet, then running south 83 degrees 10 minutes 20 seconds west 22.70 feet, then running north 76 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds west 31.50 feet, then running north 58 degrees 35 minutes 40 seconds west 207.31 feet, then running north 40 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds west 113.60 feet to the point of beginning.

    Tract 6:

       Beginning at a point, said point being north 20 degrees 13 minutes 04 seconds east 472.00 feet from the end of the 14th line of the above described Parcel 3, and then running south 70 degrees 17 minutes 23 seconds east 68.00 feet, then running north 20 degrees 13 minutes 04 seconds east 263.00 feet, then running north 70 degrees 17 minutes 23 seconds west 250.00 feet, then running south 20 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds west 263.00 feet, then running south 70 degrees 17 minutes 23 seconds east 182.00 feet to the point of beginning.

       Including also the existing right-of-way to Deer Park Road.

    Tract 7:

       Beginning at a point, said point being north 20 degrees 13 minutes 04 seconds east 932.00 feet from the end of the 13th line of the above described Parcel 3, and then running, north 83 degrees 20 minutes 37 seconds east 353.00 feet, then running north 03 degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds east 174.00 feet, then running south 83 degrees 20 minutes 37 seconds west 305.00 feet, then running south 20 degrees 13 minutes 04 seconds west 195.00 feet to the point of beginning.

       Including also the existing right-of-way to Deer Park Road.

    Tract 8:

       Beginning at a point, said point being north 76 degrees 28 minutes 38 seconds east from a point located north 04 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds east 880.00 feet from the end of the 3rd line of the above described Parcel 4, and then running south 85 degrees 12 minutes 03 seconds east 790.00 feet, then running south 04 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds west 173.00 feet, then running south 85 degrees 12 minutes 03 seconds east 495.00 feet, then running south 04 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds west 280.00 feet, then running north 85 degrees 12 minutes 03 seconds west 1,280.00 feet, then running north 04 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds east 450.00 feet to the point of beginning.

       Including also the existing right-of-way to Deer Park Road.

    Tract 9:

       A Parcel of land containing a parking lot situate on the west side of Deer Park Road, 2,400.00 feet more or less south of the intersection with Wards Chapel Road.

    Tract 10:

       Beginning at a point, said point being on the west side of Deer Park Road, 1,200 feet south of the intersection with Wards Chapel Road, and then running south 58 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 270.00 feet, then running south 07 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 150.00 feet, then running south 15 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 60.00 feet, then running south 86 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 150.00 feet, then running north 62 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 320.00 feet to a point on the west side of Deer Park Road, then running with said road to the point of beginning.

    Tract 11:

       Beginning at a point, said point being on the west side of Deer Park Road, 860 feet south of the intersection with Wards Chapel Road, and then running south 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 680.00 feet, then running south 270.00 feet, then running north 50 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 330.00 feet, then running north 42 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 470.00 feet to the west side of Deer Park Road, then running with said road to the point of beginning.

       (5) The Soldiers Delight Wildland Area contains unique ecological features associated with serpentine soils. Active manipulation of the landscape may be required to maintain these features. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, the Department may:

          (i) Remove, replace, or dispose of vegetation using mechanical or motorized equipment; and

          (ii) Erect fencing, gates, and signage associated with the protection and interpretation of unique natural or historical elements as called for in the management plan for the area.

    (s) Morgan Run Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Carroll County containing approximately 499 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Morgan Run Wildland":

       Beginning for the same at a concrete monument (No. 43), said point being the beginning of the 11th line of a tract of land which by deed dated October 17, 1977, and recorded in the land records of Carroll County in Liber 683, Folio, 062, was conveyed by James T. and Gladys R. Warthen to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, then binding and running with the 11th and 12th lines of said land, south 59 degrees 28 minutes 50 seconds east 1,026.88 feet to a pipe, then running north 86 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds east 275.00, to a pipe on the westernmost side of Jim Bower's Road, then running south with and along the westernmost side of Jim Bower's Road, extended, 2,700 feet more or less, crossing Morgan Run, thence running, with the southern bank of Morgan Run 25.00 feet more or less, to a point, thence running north crossing Morgan Run and then with and along the easternmost side of Jim Bower's Road 900.00 feet more or less, to a point on the exterior boundary of Morgan Run Natural Environment Area as surveyed by Leon Podolak and Associates (survey dated March 13, 1990) said point being located south 62 degrees 05 minutes 51 seconds east 30.00 feet from a concrete monument stamped no. 37 and located on the west side of Jim Bower's Road, then running south 62 degrees 05 minutes 51 seconds east 555.00 feet more or less, to a stone, then running south 85 degrees 08 minutes 57 seconds east 634.36 feet to a concrete monument (no. 36), then running south 40 degrees 14 minutes 29 seconds east 548.58 feet to a concrete monument (no. 35), then running south 33 degrees 31 minutes 06 seconds east 704.28 feet to a concrete monument (no. 34), it being located where a stone formerly stood, said point also being the end of the 9th line of the land by which deed dated March 14, 1977 and recorded in the land records of Carroll County in Liber 657, Folio 258, was conveyed by Lewis G. Miller to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, then binding on and reversing the 9th and 8th lines of said tract of land south 15 degrees 52 minutes 14 seconds west 262.59 feet to a stone, then running south 07 degrees 51 minutes 06 seconds east 299.41 feet to a stone, said point being at the beginning of the 10th line of the land by which deed dated October 10, 1983, and recorded in the land records of Carroll County in Liber 847, Folio 467, was conveyed by Joseph C. and Monica Ann Wisby to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, thence running with the 10th and 1st lines of said land, south 56 degrees 42 minutes 59 seconds east 422.23 feet, then running south 30 degrees 20 minutes 29 seconds east 264.00 feet to an iron pin set at the base of a large rock 25 feet from the north bank of Morgan Run, said point also being at the end of the 4th line of the land by which deed dated December 30, 1975, and recorded in the land records of Carroll County in Liber 612, Folio 515, was conveyed by Harry and Margaret Barker to the State of Maryland, thence binding and reversing with the 4th and 3rd lines of said land, south 33 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 907.50 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 03 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 346.50 feet more or less, to a point on the northwest side of Klees Mill Road, then running along the northwest side of Klees Mill Road 50.00 feet more or less, to a point on the northeast side of an old farm road, then running along the north side of aforementioned road 600.00 feet more or less, to a point on the 6th line of the aforementioned conveyance to the State of Maryland by Harry and Margaret Barker and binding and reversing said line, north 43 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 50.00 feet more or less, to a concrete monument (no. 30), said point being the end of the 2nd line of the aforementioned conveyance from Joseph C. and Monica Ann Wisby to the State of Maryland then running with the 3rd and 4th and 5th lines of said land, north 40 degrees 34 minutes 33 seconds west 346.34 feet to a concrete monument (no. 31), then running north 68 degrees 41 minutes 35 seconds west 2,164.52 feet to a concrete monument (no. 32), then running south 86 degrees 37 minutes 49 seconds west 33.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 33), said point being the end of the 27th line of the land by which deed dated July 1, 1975 and recorded in the land records of Carroll County in Liber 596, Folio 657, was conveyed by Bill Gene and Mary Louise Honbarrier to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, thence binding on and reversing the 27th, 26th, 25th, and 24th lines of said land, then running north 89 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds west 1,316.70 feet, then running south 76 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 475.20 feet, then running south 59 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 651.75 feet, then running north 60 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds west 303.60 feet to a stone formerly planted, said stone being located on the 1st line of the land by which deed dated July 31, 1975 and recorded in the land records of Carroll County in Liber 598, Folio 189, was conveyed by Ira Berger et al. to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, thence running with the remainder of the first line of said land, north 08 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 400.00 feet more or less, to a stone, then running south 86 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 173.25 feet to a stone, then running in a northwesterly direction 3,200.00 feet more or less, to a point in the eastern right-of-way of Maryland Route 97, then running along the east side of Maryland Route 97 in a northeasterly direction 3,000.00 feet more or less, to a concrete monument stamped no. 29, said monument being located by the aforementioned plat of survey by Leon Podolak and Associates, then running along line "F" as established by said survey, south 67 degrees 12 minutes 18 seconds east 473.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 28), then running south 63 degrees 42 minutes 18 seconds east 1,470.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 27), then running south 60 degrees 27 minutes 18 seconds east 690.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 26), then running south 81 degrees 27 minutes 18 seconds east 396.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 25), then running south 64 degrees 57 minutes 18 seconds east 250.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 24), then running south 13 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds east 300.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 23), then running south 81 degrees 38 minutes 27 seconds east 330.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 46), then running north 04 degrees 05 minutes 54 seconds west 429.00 feet to a concrete monument (no. 45), then running south 57 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds west 522.99 feet to a concrete monument (no. 44), then running north 04 degrees 21 minutes 07 seconds west 1,439.62 feet to a stone, then running south 87 degrees 10 minutes 12 seconds west 176.91 feet to a stone, then running north 23 degrees 17 minutes 07 seconds east 329.74 feet to a stone, then running north 06 degrees 00 minutes 17 seconds west 414.04 feet to a concrete monument (no. 43) and the point of beginning.

       (2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, the Department may utilize mechanical or motorized equipment to create and maintain recreational trails as called for in the Morgan Run Natural Environment Area Master Plan.

    (t) Sweathouse Branch Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Baltimore County containing approximately 1,073 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Sweathouse Branch Wildland":

    Beginning for the same at a point at the end of the north 22 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds east 639.72 feet line of the land which by deed dated September 23, 1966 and recorded among the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 4676, Folio 270, was conveyed by Herman and Elizabeth Hutschenreuter to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, south 85 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds east 511.28 feet to a point, then running south 40 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds east 560.00 to a point lying on the west side of Sweathouse Branch and running thence on said branch, south 26 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds west 528.00 feet, then running south 18 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds west 223.06 feet, then running south 08 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds west 50.22 feet, then running south 76 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 230.11 feet, then running south 25 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds west 458.57 feet, then running south 06 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds east 362.98 feet, then running south 83 degrees 34 minutes 50 seconds west 600.71 feet, then running south 07 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds east 862.54 feet, then running south 05 degrees 46 minutes 45 seconds east 521.09 feet, then running south 37 degrees 24 minutes 15 seconds west 530.45 feet, then running south 52 degrees 35 minutes 45 seconds west 600.00 feet to a point on the east side of Stocksdale Road, then running along the east side of Stocksdale Road 900.00 feet more or less, to a point on the 7th line of a tract of land deeded to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources by Mamie Mohr on August 4, 1961 and recorded among the land records of Baltimore County, thence reversing and binding on said line, south 82 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds east 620.00 feet more or less, to the end of the 6th line of the aforementioned deed, thence running with the 6th to the 1st lines thereof and reversing, south 72 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds east 564.00 feet, then running south 32 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds east 1469.65 feet, then running south 19 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds east 17.18 feet, then running south 02 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds east 474.43 feet, then running south 43 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds east 1,266.64 feet, then running south 37 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds east 2,274.00 feet to a point in the western right-of-way of Belair Road, then running along the west side of Belair Road in a southwesterly direction 2,786.00 feet more or less, to the north bank of the Big Gunpowder Falls, thence running along the north bank of the Big Gunpowder Falls 9,900.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running in a northwesterly direction 900.00 feet more or less, to a point, said point being the beginning of the 4th line of the land which by deed dated September 20, 1984 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 6805, Folio    was conveyed by Issac Twinning et al. to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, said point being part of the first Parcel of said deed, thence running with the 3rd and 4th line of said deed, north 40 degrees 22 minutes 21 seconds east 589.61 feet, then running north 46 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds west 412.50 feet, then running north 43 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds west 680.00 feet, then running north 43 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds west 20.00 feet, then running north 43 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds east 900.00 feet, then running south 46 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds east 900.00 feet, then running north 43 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds east 900.00 feet, then running north 15 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds east 463.00 feet more or less, to the end of the 1st line of the land which by deed dated December 16, 1963 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 4243, Folio 356 was conveyed by Rosena Brodt et al. to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forests and Parks. Thence running with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and part of the 6th line of said deed, north 02 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds west 924.60 feet, then running south 78 degrees 51 minutes 26 seconds west 336.34 feet, then running north 17 degrees 34 minutes 17 seconds east 629.37 feet, then running south 85 degrees 36 minutes 00 seconds west 925.55 feet thence running north 04 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds west 193.35 feet, thence running, south 65 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds west 855.03 feet, then running north 45 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds west 464.64 feet, then running north 45 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds east 735.90 feet, then running north 53 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds east 283.80 feet, then running north 51 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds east 854.70 feet, then running north 24 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds west 137.75 feet, then running north 24 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds west 69.44 feet, then running north 31 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds west 241.71 feet, then running north 51 degrees 55 minutes 32 seconds east 385.38 feet, then running south 19 degrees 42 minutes 34 seconds east 240.53 feet, then running south 56 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds east 251.14 feet, then running north 34 degrees 48 minutes 15 seconds east 1,910.00 feet more or less, to the end of the 15th line of the land which by deed dated November 15, 1965 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 4551, Folio 435 was conveyed by J. Paul and Isabelle Herzog to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Forests and Parks, then binding and reversing the 15th, 14th, 13th, 12th, and 11th lines of said land, north 63 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds west 976.77 feet, then running south 02 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds west 108.90 feet, then running north 82 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds west 185.63 feet, then running south 28 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds west 304.70 feet, then running south 16 degrees 04 minutes 50 seconds west 680.88 feet, then running south 65 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds east 1,347.22 feet, then running north 73 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds east 365.00 feet, then running north 10 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds west 175.43 feet, then running north 39 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds east 636.40 feet, then running north 39 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds east 730.00 feet, then running north 71 degrees 40 minutes 50 seconds west 201.52 feet, then running north 25 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds west 308.15 feet, then running north 61 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds east 856.29 feet, then running north 09 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds east 506.19 feet, then running north 83 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds west 281.60 feet, then running north 22 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds east 639.72 feet to the beginning.

    (u) Panther Branch Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Baltimore County containing approximately 735 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Panther Branch Wildland":

    Beginning at an iron pipe, said point being the beginning of the 1st line of the land which by deed dated January 8, 1976 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5606, Folio 521 was conveyed by George R. Moore and Raymond L. Moore and William E. Berndt and Henry F. Le Brun of Baltimore County to the State of Maryland to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, said point also having Maryland State plane coordinates north 647052.52, east 902630.27, then running in a southerly direction along the west side of Big Falls Road, 2,362.35 feet, to a pipe with State plane coordinates of north 644,954.66, east 901,711.01, then north 46 degrees 23 minutes 08 seconds west 204.65 feet, then running south 30 degrees 06 minutes 50 seconds east 420.00 feet, then running south 46 degrees 23 minutes 08 seconds east 204.92 feet to a pipe with coordinates north 644591.17, east 901500.48, then running in a southerly direction along the west side of Big Falls Road a distance of 480.00 feet to a point where the line leaves the road, then running, north 21 degrees 58 minutes 37 seconds west 420.00 feet to a pipe, then running south 42 degrees 12 minutes 28 seconds west 420.00 feet to a pipe with coordinates of north 644322.04, east 900785.69, then running north 21 degrees 58 minutes 37 seconds west 660.00 feet to a pipe, then running south 55 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds east 566.14 feet to a stone, then running south 22 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds east 650.32 feet to a stone with coordinates north 644067.10, east 900357.20, then running, south 57 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds west 76.84 feet to a pipe, then running south 32 degrees 59 minutes 50 seconds east 37.09 feet to a pipe, then running south 59 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds west 259.51 feet to an iron pin, then running south 61 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds west 63.79 feet to a pipe, then running south 57 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds west 10.30 feet to a pipe with coordinates north 643782.54, east 899945.40, then running north 20 degrees 04 minutes 28 seconds west 575.66 feet to a pipe, then running north 19 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds west 138.79 feet to a point, then running south 49 degrees 23 minutes 56 seconds west 153.96 feet to a point, then running south 19 degrees 30 minutes 40 seconds east 725.70 feet to a pipe, then running south 46 degrees 26 minutes 18 seconds west 297.84 feet to a stone with coordinates north 643464.55, east 899611.03, then running south 57 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds west 920.93 feet to a stone scribed "IH" with coordinates north 642973.24, east 898832.10, then running, north 18 degrees 07 minutes 15 seconds west 122.96 feet to a stone, then running north 68 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds west 336.33 feet to a pipe, then running north 68 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds west 212.19 feet to a stone, then running south 26 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds west 56.22 feet to a pipe, then running south 42 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds west 132.03 feet to a pipe, then running north 59 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds west 113.79 feet to a pipe, then running north 33 degrees 52 minutes 40 seconds east 212.91 feet to a 30 inch oak tree, as surveyed in 1960, then running, north 65 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds west 468.11 feet to a pipe, then running north 18 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds west 1419.98 feet to a stone, then running east 900.00 feet to a point, then running north 20 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 550.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 29 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 550.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 70 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 780.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 35 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 300.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 200.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 62 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 700.00 feet, more or less, to a point on the eastern right-of-way of Maryland Route 45, then running with the eastern side of Route 45 in a northerly direction 2,198.00 feet more or less, to a point in the center of the Gunpowder Falls, said point having coordinates north 648909.58, east 895934.02, then continuing along the east side of Maryland Route 45 in a northwesterly direction 135.00 feet, more or less, to intersect the 3rd line of a tract of land which by deed dated July 27, 1982, and recorded in Liber 6422, Folio 469 of the land records of Baltimore County, was conveyed by Daniel S. Sullivan, Jr., trustee of the estate of Thelma Mitchell Smith, to the State of Maryland for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, then running with the remainder of said 3rd line and with the 4th, 5th, and 6th lines, north 38 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds west 105.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 74 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds east 360.00 feet to a pipe, then running north 31 degrees 38 minutes 43 seconds east 1,099.49 feet to a pipe, then running south 65 degrees 22 minutes 13 seconds east 587.93 feet to a pipe, with coordinates north 649722.11, east 897422.79, then running, north 29 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds east 60.00 feet to a pipe, then running north 16 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds east 312.03 feet to a stone, then running north 23 degrees 40 minutes 50 seconds east 89.52 feet to a stone, then running north 32 degrees 26 minutes 31 seconds east 765.13 feet to a pipe, then running north 81 degrees 40 minutes 51 seconds east 521.88 feet to a pipe, then running north 81 degrees 40 minutes 51 seconds east 644.56 feet to a pipe, then running south 31 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds east 260.00 feet to a stone with coordinates north 650747.54, east 899202.53, then running north 37 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds east 166.46 feet to a stone, then running south 39 degrees 42 minutes 47 seconds east 263.06 feet to a stone, then running south 66 degrees 56 minutes 32 seconds east 411.28 feet to a stone, then running south 69 degrees 23 minutes 26 seconds east 442.05 feet to a stone with coordinates north 650359.75, east 900265.17, then running south 35 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds east 130.89 feet to a stone, then running south 35 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds east 111.28 feet to a stone, then running south 50 degrees 36 minutes 46 seconds east 1,266.87 feet to a pipe, then running south 55 degrees 41 minutes 17 seconds west 505.00 feet to a pipe, then running south 55 degrees 42 minutes 35 seconds west 120.65 feet to a pipe with coordinates north 649010.19, east 900873.59, then running south 28 degrees 07 minutes 43 seconds east 416.06 feet to a pipe, then running south 18 degrees 56 minutes 02 seconds east 817.50 feet to a pipe, then running south 63 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 406.97 feet to a pipe, then running north 66 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds east 876.12 feet to a pipe, then running south 33 degrees 04 minutes 16 seconds east 90.00 feet to a pipe, then running south 33 degrees 04 minutes 16 seconds east 621.52 feet to a pipe on the north side of Big Falls Road, then running with the north side of Big Falls Road south 33 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds west 148.76 feet to a point, then running south 22 degrees 38 minutes 29 seconds west 36.06 feet to the beginning.

    (v) Sideling Hill Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Washington and Allegany counties containing approximately 922 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 wildland and shall be named the "Sideling Hill Wildland":

    Parcel 1:

       Beginning for the same, at a point, said point being the beginning of a tract of land which by deed dated July 26, 1927, and recorded in the land records of Washington County in Liber 178, Folio 75, was conveyed by Washington Orchard Company to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Game and Conservation Department, said point also being the beginning of Parcel 2 of a tract of land which by deed dated July 26, 1927 and recorded in the land records of Allegany County in Liber 156, Folio 135 was conveyed by the Washington Orchard Company to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Game and Conservation Department, thence binding on and reversing on the 93rd, 92nd, 91st, 90th lines of the aforementioned first tract of land, south 74 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 412.50 feet to a stone, then running north 80 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 313.50 feet to a point, then running north 34 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 1,650.00 feet to a stone, then running south 66 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 1,600.50 feet more or less, to a point on the western edge of Riser Road, then running with the western edge of Riser Road, in a southwesterly direction, 7,950.00 feet more or less, to a point, said point being the beginning of the second Parcel of a tract of land which by deed dated September 17, 1958, and recorded in the land records of Allegany County in Liber 340, Folio 276, was conveyed by Baltimore Area Council Boy Scouts of America, Incorporated to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Game and Inland Fish Commission, then running, north 18 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 540.00 feet to a point, then running north 55 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 367.00 feet to a point, then running north 19 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 104.00 feet to a point, then running south 50 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 40.00 feet to a point in the center of a spring, then running north 43 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 405.00 feet, to a stone pile set on the north side of a Wood Road, then running, north 66 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 396.00 feet to a point, then running north 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 396.00 feet to a point, then running north 15 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 278.00 feet to a point, then running north 15 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 478.00 feet to a point, then running north 46 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 309.00 feet to a stone pile on the south bank of Sideling Hill Creek, then crossing said creek and running, north 46 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 87.00 feet to a point, said point being on the 23rd line of the second aforementioned tract of land, then running with said tract of land and along Sideling Hill Creek, north 53 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 900.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 65 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds west 834.90 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 54 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds west 396.00 feet more or less, to a point, then leaving the creek and running, south 47 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds west 214.50 feet more or less, to a point on the south bank of the creek, then running north 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 660.00 feet more or less, to a point near the creek, then running south 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,501.50 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 44 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 198.00 feet more or less, to a point near the east bank of the creek, then running north 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 247.50 feet more or less, then crossing the creek and running, north 31 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 247.50 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 33 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 198.00 feet more or less, to a point near the west bank of the creek, then running north 55 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 132.00 feet more or less, to a point, then leaving the creek and running, north 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 231.00 feet, then running north 28 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 99.00 feet, then running north 09 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 561.00 feet, then running north 15 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 759.00 feet, then running north 31 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 396.00 feet, then running north 89 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 627.00 feet, then running north 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 429.00 feet, then running south 80 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 561.00 feet, then running north 57 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 412.50 feet, then running south 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 441.37 feet, then running north 33 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 792.00 feet, then running north 50 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 231.00 feet, then running north 17 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 346.50 feet to a pole line, then running with said pole line, south 85 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 970.00 feet then leaving said pole line and running south 50.00 feet, then running south 59 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 495.00 feet, then running north 86 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 330.00 feet, then running north 86 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 1,839.75 feet, then running south 57 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 264.00 feet, then running south 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 330.00 feet, then running south 06 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 519.75 feet, then running south 86 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 231.00 feet, then running south 74 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 49.50 feet to the beginning.

       (2) Exempting a tract of land described as beginning at a point, said point being north 30 degrees 00 east 1,450 feet from the end of the 16th line of the above described Parcel of land, said point being the center of a Parcel of land with a radius of 75.00 feet, this circular Parcel of land contains 0.405 acres.

       (3) Exempting a tract of land described as beginning at a point, said point being south 37 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 275.00 feet from the beginning of the 44th line of the above described wildland and running south 56 degrees 00 minutes east 875.00 feet, then running south 17 degrees 00 minutes east 925.00 feet, then running north 65 degrees 30 minutes west 940.00 feet, then running south 54 degrees 00 minutes west 360.00 feet, then running north 30 degrees 00 minutes west 660.00 feet, then running north 37 degrees 00 minutes east 800.00 feet to the beginning.

    Parcel 2:

       Beginning at a point in Sideling Hill Creek, said point being the end of the 30th or north 49 degrees 00 minutes west line of a tract of land which by deed dated July 26, 1927, and recorded in the land records of Washington County in Liber 178, Folio 75, was conveyed by Washington Orchard Company to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Game and Conservation Department, thence binding and reversing on the 30th and 29th lines of said tract of land, south 49 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,815.00 feet to a point, then running south 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 412.50 feet to a point, then running south 56 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 450.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 36 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 1,400.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 61 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds west 530.00 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument, said monument being the end of the 3rd line, of the Parcel, of a tract of land which by deed dated March 4, 1991, and recorded in the land records of Washington County in Liber 985, Folio 819, was conveyed by the Baltimore Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, Inc. to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, thence binding on and reversing the 3rd and 2nd lines of said tract of land north 51 degrees 15 minutes 46 seconds west 1,968.98 feet to a stone pile, then running south 78 degrees 07 minutes 23 seconds west 584.37 feet to a 3/8" rebar, then running north 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,740.00 feet more or less, to a point in Sideling Hill Creek, then running with the creek in a southwesterly direction, 1,200.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 40 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,250.00 feet more or less, to a point at the end of the 32nd line of the first Parcel of a tract of land which by deed dated September 17, 1958, and recorded in the land records of Allegany County in Liber 340, Folio 276, was conveyed by Baltimore Area Council Boy Scouts of America, Incorporated to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Game and Inland Fish Commission, then running with said tract of land with the 32nd through the 17th and part of the 16th lines, reversed, south 73 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 220.00 feet, then running north 122.00 feet, then running north 70 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 86.00 feet, then running south 56 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 165.00 feet, then running south 81 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 332.00 feet, then running south 51 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 99.00 feet to a stone marked "39", then running north 84 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 205.00 feet to a stone marked "38", then running north 59 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 1,012.00 feet to a stone marked "37", then running north 35 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 447.00 feet to a stone marked "36", then running north 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 314.00 feet to a stone marked "35", then running north 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 266.00 feet to a stone marked "34", then running north 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 146.00 feet to a stone marked "33", then running south 85 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 842.00 feet to a stone marked "32", then running south 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 132.00 feet, then running south 44 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 122.00 feet to a stone marked "30", then running south 69 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 858.00 feet to a point in the center of Sideling Hill Creek, then running with the center of the creek south 03 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 200.00 feet more or less, to the point of beginning.

    (w) Maple Run Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Allegany County containing approximately 2,760 acres and described as follows is a Type 1 State wildland and shall be named the "Maple Run Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, which by deed dated May 3, 1938 and recorded in the land records of Allegany County in Liber rj 180, Folio 713, was conveyed by Mrs. Margaret Bailey to the State of Maryland, said point being the northwest corner of Green Ridge Valley Orchard Lot 683, Section F, where the east side of Black Twigg Road intersects the southwest side of Mertens Avenue, then running along the southwest side of Mertens Avenue, 14,100 feet more or less, to the intersection of Green Ridge Road, then running along the west side of Green Ridge Road a distance of 6,600 feet more or less, to the intersection of the transmission line with Green Ridge Road, then running in a west direction along the north boundary of the transmission line, 990 feet more or less, to a point where the transmission line intersects Jacobs Road, then running in a west direction along the north side of Jacobs Road, 1,200 feet more or less, to a point where the aforementioned road intersects the aforementioned transmission line, then running in a west direction along the north boundary of the transmission line, 3,150 feet to the intersection of the transmission line and Jacobs Road, then running in a northwest direction along the north side of Jacobs Road, 11,000 feet more or less, to a point where the road meets the 1,000 foot contour line, then running in a generally northeasterly direction northeasterly, northwesterly, southwesterly and southeasterly with the 1,000 foot contour line, neither increasing nor decreasing elevation, to the intersection of the 1,000 foot contour line and Black Twigg Road, then running along the southeast side of Black Twigg Road, in a northeast direction, 1,200 feet more or less, to the point of beginning.

    (x) Deep Run Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Allegany County containing approximately 1,260 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Deep Run Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, said point being the southeast corner of a tract of land designated as Orchard Tract 299 Section F, which by deed dated February 28, 1939, and recorded in Liber 184, Folio 224 of the land records of Allegany County, was conveyed by James E. Barlow to the State of Maryland, and then running, in a northwest direction along the south side of Lot 299, 1,460 feet more or less, to a point in the southwest corner of Lot 299 Section F, then running along the lines of Lot 210 in a northeasterly direction 300 feet more or less, to the southwest corner of Lot 300 Section F, then running in a northeast direction along the lines of Lots 300, 301 and part of 302, Section F, 750 feet more or less, to a point in the southeast corner of Lot 264, Section F, then running in a northwesterly direction along the south line of Lot 264, 1,760 feet more or less, to point on the east side of Green Ridge Road, then running along the east side of Green Ridge Road in a northeasterly direction 14,400 feet more or less, to a point at the intersection of Green Ridge Road and an unnamed forest road, then running along said unnamed forest road and through Lots 183, 182, 111, and 110, Section D, 1,500 feet more or less, to a point on the southwest side of Fifteen Mile Creek Road, then running along the south side of Fifteen Mile Creek Road 3,000 feet more or less, to the intersection with Deep Run, then running along Deep Run in a southwesterly direction 500 feet more or less, to a point, then running in a southeasterly direction 1,270 feet more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot 61, Section D, then running along the west side of Lots 61, 60, 59, 58, 168, 54, 115, 114, 113, and 112, Section D, then running south 60 degrees east 175 feet more or less, to the west side of East Valley Road, then running along the west side of East Valley Road, to the beginning.

    Saving and excepting Lots 324, 319, 305, 279 Section F, Lots 212, 211, 210, 205, 204, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 149, 199 Section D.

    (y) Bear Pen Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Garrett County containing approximately 1,517 acres and described as follows is a Type 1 State wildland and shall be named the "Bear Pen Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, said point being the end of the second line of a tract of land which by deed dated October 14, 1977 and recorded in Liber 382, Folio 467 of the land records of Garrett County, was conveyed by Robert and Marjorie Rogers to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and then running with the boundary of Savage River State Forest the following courses and distances, north 06 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 2,382.00 feet, then running north 29 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 1,254.00 feet, then running north 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 2,285.50 feet, then running north 07 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 577.50 feet, then running south 76 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 247.50 feet, then running north 86 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds east 132.00 feet, then running north 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 132.00 feet, then running north 01 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 260.70 feet, then running north 20 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 198.00 feet, then running north 33 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 148.50 feet, then running north 39 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 701.25 feet, then running south 25 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,303.50 feet, then running south 62 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 627.00 feet, then running south 68 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 523.38 feet, then running north 12 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 1,114.08 feet, then running south 70 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 482.46 feet, then running north 63 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,006.50 feet, then running south 02 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 429.00 feet, then running south 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,596.54 feet, then running south 68 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 483.12 feet, then running north 31 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,323.96 feet to a planted stone, then running south 16 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 832.92 feet to an iron pipe, then running south 79 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 399.96 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 21 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 1,221.00 feet to a concrete monument, then running south 85 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 618.75 feet, then running north 72 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 429.00 feet, then running north 39 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 82.50 feet, then running south 55 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 330.00 feet, then running north 61 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 858.00 feet, then running north 66 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 1,254.00 feet, then running south 08 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 1,683.00 feet, then running south 35 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,600.50 feet, then running north 35 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 1,072.50 feet, then running north 11 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 208.55 feet, then running north 19 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 127.38 feet, then running north 35 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 1,573.44 feet, then running north 05 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 72.60 feet, then running north 52 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 759.00 feet, then running north 18 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 500.00 feet more or less, to a point on the south of an old road on Point Ridge, then running along the south side of said road in a southeasterly direction 5,000.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 40 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 1,000.00 feet more or less, to a point on the west side of Savage River Road, then running along the west side of said road in a southwesterly direction 5,500.00 feet more or less, to a point on the boundary line of Savage River State Forest, then running north 35 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds east 200.00 feet to a concrete monument, then running north 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 254.76 feet, then running north 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 605.22 feet, then running north 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 925.98 feet to a planted stone marked "A", then running south 76 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 580.80 feet, then running south 05 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 188.76 feet to an iron pipe at the end of the 62nd line of "Father, Son, and Brother", then running south 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 2,900.00 feet more or less, passing over a stone marked "A" at 1,594.56 feet, then running south 41 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,200.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 47 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east 2,450.00 feet more or less, to a point on the west side of Savage River Road, then running with the west side of Savage River Road in a southwesterly direction 300.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running north 84 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 8,700.00 feet more or less, to a point at the end of the 9th line of the aforementioned conveyance by Rogers (Liber 382, Folio 467), then running north 10 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds west 357.49 feet, then running north 34 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds east 235.00 feet, then running north 15 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds east 409.80 feet, then running north 24 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds west 99.60 feet, then running north 04 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds west 108.78 feet, then running north 42 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds west 93.55 feet, then running south 80 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds east 383.00 feet, to the beginning.

    (z) Middle Fork Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Garrett County containing approximately 1,916 acres and described as follows is a Type 1 State wildland and shall be named the "Middle Fork Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, said point indicated as corner number 826 on a plat of survey by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (plat dated June 6, 1940) said point also being a corner on a tract of land designated as tract number 432 in a deed dated December 20, 1955 and recorded in Liber 187, Folio 553 in the land records of Garrett County and was conveyed by the United States of America to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forests and Parks and then running north 61 degrees 08 minutes west 256.93 feet to corner 825, then running north 49 degrees 18 minutes west 199.98 feet to corner 824, then running north 44 degrees 48 minutes west 132.73 feet to corner 823, then running north 20 degrees 28 minutes east 332.50 feet to corner 822, then running north 05 degrees 09 minutes east 726.26 feet to corner 821, then running north 17 degrees 01 minutes west 501.10 feet to corner 820, then running north 29 degrees 06 minutes west 458.21 feet to corner 819, then running north 02 degrees 15 minutes west 397.10 feet to corner 818, then running north 14 degrees 30 minutes east 421.50 feet to corner 817, then running north 36 degrees 00 minutes east 891.16 feet to corner 816, then running north 59 degrees 01 minutes west 616.34 feet to corner 815, then running north 69 degrees 04 minutes west 449.18 feet to corner 814, then running north 57 degrees 51 minutes west 660.86 feet to corner 813, then running north 45 degrees 20 minutes west 1,434.11 feet to corner 812, then running north 47 degrees 28 minutes east 754.53 feet to corner 811, then running south 42 degrees 52 minutes east 1,259.09 feet to corner 810, then running north 47 degrees 30 minutes east 1,750.79 feet to corner 809, then running north 42 degrees 56 minutes west 425.36 feet to corner 808, then running north 47 degrees 54 minutes east 1,319.69 feet to corner 807, then running south 42 degrees 32 minutes east 422.28 feet to corner 806, then running north 47 degrees 10 minutes east 844.12 feet to corner 801, then running north 42 degrees 39 minutes west 1,268.11 feet to corner 800, then running north 82 degrees 31 minutes west 2,018.29 feet to corner 799, then running north 52 degrees 26 minutes west 397.74 feet to corner 798, then running north 35 degrees 24 minutes east 1,115.34 feet to corner 797, then running north 78 degrees 49 minutes east 711.51 feet to corner 796, then running north 49 degrees 48 minutes east 1,673.89 feet to corner 795, then running south 89 degrees 26 minutes east 1,722.80 feet to corner 794, then running north 85 degrees 09 minutes east 1,994.31 feet to corner 793, then running north 06 degrees 06 minutes west 509.87 feet to corner 792, then running north 53 degrees 19 minutes west 756.07 feet to corner 791, then running north 40 degrees 54 minutes east 898.72 feet to corner 790, then running north 07 degrees 55 minutes west 124.51 feet to corner 789, then running south 79 degrees 18 minutes east 2,674.95 feet to corner 788, then running south 08 degrees 22 minutes west 1,901.32 feet to corner 787, then running south 67 degrees 49 minutes east 946.35 feet to corner 786, then running north 47 degrees 35 minutes east 1,296.74 feet to corner 785, then running north 66 degrees 11 minutes east 490.28 feet to corner 781, then running north 66 degrees 11 minutes east 760.00 feet to corner 780, then running south 30 degrees 27 minutes east 1,298.48 feet to corner 805, then running south 30 degrees 51 minutes west 874.55 feet to corner 804, then running south 29 degrees 14 minutes west 1,697.03 feet to corner 803, then running south 64 degrees 23 minutes west 850.86 feet to corner 802, then running south 10 degrees 44 minutes east 2,046.04 feet to corner 854, then running south 18 degrees 20 minutes east 1,740.00 feet to corner 849, then running south 18 degrees 20 minutes east 2,178.69 feet to corner 848, then running north 49 degrees 55 minutes west 338.29 feet to corner 847, then running north 86 degrees 31 minutes west 1,449.66 feet to corner 846, then running north 26 degrees 39 minutes west 1,288.06 feet to corner 845, then running south 63 degrees 41 minutes west 1,585.29 feet to corner 844, then running north 26 degrees 29 minutes west 261.20 feet to corner 843, then running north 73 degrees 17 minutes west 1,408.71 feet to corner 842, then running north 51 degrees 31 minutes west 538.14 feet to corner 841, then running north 37 degrees 15 minutes east 1,083.13 feet to corner 840, then running north 21 degrees 51 minutes west 968.70 feet to corner 839, then running north 61 degrees 42 minutes east 608.85 feet to corner 838, then running north 04 degrees 31 minutes east 513.56 feet to corner 837, then running north 60 degrees 45 minutes west 385.28 feet to corner 836, then running south 44 degrees 46 minutes west 420.89 feet to corner 835, then running south 52 degrees 18 minutes west 1,515.89 feet to corner 834, then running south 58 degrees 10 minutes east 291.67 feet to corner 833, then running south 21 degrees 16 minutes east 718.54 feet to corner 832, then running south 38 degrees 25 minutes west 895.92 feet to corner 831, then running south 33 degrees 15 minutes west 2,185.32 feet to corner 830, then running north 56 degrees 01 minutes west 2,426.87 feet to corner 830A, then running south 13 degrees 01 minutes west 2,511.20 feet to corner 829A, then running south 65 degrees 00 minutes east 1,064.10 feet to corner 829, then running south 25 degrees 26 minutes west 358.85 feet to corner 828, then running north 66 degrees 15 minutes west 482.77 feet to corner 827, then running south 25 degrees 44 minutes west 868.24 feet to corner 826, to the beginning.

    (aa) Savage Ravines Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Garrett County containing approximately 2,427 acres and described as follows is a Type 1 State wildland and shall be named the "Savage Ravines Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, said point indicated as corner number 692 on a plat of survey by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (plat dated June 6, 1940) said point also being a point on a tract of land designated as tract number 110 in a deed dated December 20, 1955 and recorded in Liber 187, Folio 553 in the land records of Garrett County and was conveyed by the United States of America to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forests and Parks, and then running south 58 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds east 1,600.00 feet more or less, to a point on the west side of the Avilton-Lonaconing Road, then running with said road in a southwesterly direction 3,050.00 feet to a point on the west side of said road, then running south 11 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 1,120.00 feet more or less, to a point, then running south 41 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 6,080.00 feet to a point on the Savage River State Forest boundary line, said point also being on the west side of Pine Swamp Road, then running north 71 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds west 550.00 feet to corner 697 as described on aforementioned plat, then running south 46 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds west 347.50 feet to corner 696 south 36 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds west 1,200.00 feet more or less, to the northwest side of Pine Swamp Road, then running with the northwest side of Pine Swamp Road in a southwesterly direction 7,500.00 feet more or less, to a point on the boundary of Savage River State Forest, then running north 55 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds west 200.00 feet to a point on the northeast side of Westernport Road, then running in a northeasterly direction on the northeast side of Westernport Road 1,000.00 feet to a point on the northeast side of said road and on the boundary of Savage River State Forest, then running north 36 degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds east 2,100.00 feet to corner 1118, then running north 48 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds east 341.00 feet to corner 1117, then running north 45 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds east 345.12 feet to corner 1116, then running north 16 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds east 407.34 feet to corner 1115, then running north 55 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds east 742.91 feet to corner 1114, then running north 38 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds west 733.97 feet to corner 1113, then running north 65 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds west 318.64 feet to corner 1112, then running south 60 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds west 133.68 feet to corner 1111, then running south 11 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds west 447.10 feet to corner 1110, then running north 69 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds west 419.78 feet to corner 1109, then running north 19 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds west 177.10 feet to corner 1108, then running north 37 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds west 482.30 feet to corner 1107, then running north 77 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds west 195.08 feet to corner 1106, then running north 41 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds west 228.11 feet to corner 1105, then running north 07 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds east 225.23 feet to corner 1104, then running north 40 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds east 456.55 feet to corner 1103, then running north 81 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 350.00 feet to corner 1102, then running south 71 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 330.00 feet to corner 1101, then running north 70 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 380.00 feet to corner 1100, then running south 59 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds west 219.00 feet to corner 561, then running north 35 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds west 1,078.50 feet to corner 560, then running north 79 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds west 653.96 feet to corner 559, then running south 69 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds west 131.86 feet to corner 558, then running south 32 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds west 725.09 feet to corner 557, then running south 56 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds west 264.32 feet to corner 556, then running south 38 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds west 254.13 feet to corner 555, then running south 51 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds east 527.15 feet to corner 554, then running south 43 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds east 200.41 feet to corner 553, then running south 00 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds east 819.70 feet to corner 552, then running south 71 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds west 525.93 feet to corner 551, then running south 42 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds east 729.32 feet to corner 550, then running north 71 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds west 1,300.00 feet more or less, to the east side of Westernport Road, then running with the east side of said road in a northerly direction 2,500.00 feet more or less, to a point on the east of said road, intersecting the boundary of Savage River State Forest, then running north 89 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds east 650.00 feet more or less, to corner 531, then running north 00 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds east 754.28 feet to corner 530, then running north 01 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds west 631.49 feet to corner 529, then running north 88 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds east 1,648.33 feet to corner 566, then running north 02 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 406.65 feet to corner 565 on the north bank of Savage River, then running along the Old Pea Ridge Road in an easterly direction 3,000.00 feet more or less, to a point intersecting the boundary line of Savage River State Forest, then running along said boundary line, north 74 degrees 25 minutes 13 seconds east 1,055.15 feet, then running north 28 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds east 774.45 feet, then running south 73 degrees 03 minutes 27 seconds east 263.85 feet, then running north 36 degrees 53 minutes 21 seconds east 593.55 feet, then running north 47 degrees 23 minutes 55 seconds east 197.55 feet, then running north 37 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds east 494.61 feet, then running north 57 degrees 54 minutes 22 seconds east 461.61 feet, then running north 40 degrees 08 minutes 32 seconds east 1,382.92 feet, then running north 75 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 800.00 feet more or less, to a point on the south bank of Savage River, then running with the south bank of Savage River 1,000.00 feet more or less, to corner 991 as designated on aforementioned plat, then running south 50 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds east 1,870.77 feet to corner 990, then running north 36 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds east 4,837.51 feet to corner 692, to the point of beginning.

    (bb) Mineral and property rights. --

       (1) (i) In this subsection the following words have the meanings indicated.

          (ii) "Mineral" includes any gas, oil, coal, peat, clay, stone, or fossil fuel located under a wildland area.

          (iii) "Owner" includes any person that is:

             1. A lessee or party in interest; and

             2. Any successor or assign.

       (2) Subject to review, permit, and approval actions required by law, an owner of mineral rights located in a wildland area shall have the right to access the minerals.

       (3) If the failure of the Department to issue, extend, or renew a permit involves taking a property right without just compensation in violation of the Constitution of the United States or Constitution of Maryland and if the General Assembly has not appropriated sufficient funds to pay the compensation, the State may use available funds to purchase or otherwise pay for the property rights.

    (cc) Islands of the Potomac Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Frederick and Montgomery counties containing approximately 670 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Islands of the Potomac Wildland":

    Parcel 1

       Beginning at the northwestern most point of Watkins Island and running thence in a southeasterly direction, with the low water mark, along the northern shoreline 8100 feet more or less to the northwest corner of a tract of land now or formerly owned by Bernard Wolfson, as recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 2309, Folio 598, thence leaving the northernmost shoreline of Watkins Island and running with said Wolfson land in a southwesterly direction 200 feet more or less to a point on the southwest side of Watkins Island, thence leaving the Wolfson tract and running in a northwesterly direction, with the low water mark, along the southwestern shoreline of said island 8500 feet to the beginning.

    Parcel 2

       Beginning at a point, said point being the beginning of the first parcel of a tract of land which by deed dated May 13, 1988, and recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 8279, Folio 156, was conveyed by the Nature Conservancy to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence in a southeasterly direction, with the low water mark, along the southwestern shoreline of Watkins Island 5100 feet more or less to the southernmost point on said island, thence running in a northwesterly direction, with the low water mark, along the northeastern shoreline of Watkins Island 6403 feet more or less to a point, thence leaving the northern shoreline of Watkins Island and running 900 feet more or less to a point on the southern shore of said island, thence running in a southeasterly direction, with the low water mark, along the southwestern shoreline 1891 feet more or less to the point of beginning.

       Saving and exempting from the above a parcel of land conveyed to the Washington Sanitary Commission by deed recorded in the land records of Montgomery County in Liber 3943, Folio 28, said parcel being located on the southern end of Watkins Island on the northern shoreline.

       Saving and exempting all gas pipelines running through the above described portion of Watkins Island.

    Parcel 3

       A tract of land known as Katie (Poteau) Island, located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, 400 feet more or less northwest of Watkins Island, the center of which lies at 444910 north, 713880 east in accordance with the Maryland State plane grid system (NAD27).

    Parcel 4

       A tract of land known as Norbell Island, located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, 800 feet more or less northeast of Watkins Island, the center of which lies at 443370 north, 719980 east in accordance with the Maryland State plane grid system (NAD27).

    Parcel 5

       A tract of land known as Grapevine Island, located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, 300 feet more or less southwest of Watkins Island, the center of which lies at 443990 north, 714100 east in accordance with the Maryland State plane grid system (NAD27).

    Parcel 6

       A tract of land known as Beall's Island, located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, 9000 feet more or less northeast of Potomac, Maryland, the center of which lies at 433400 north, 731600 east in accordance with the Maryland State plane grid system (NAD27).

    Parcel 7

       A tract of land known as Island Number 6, located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, 300 feet more or less southwest of Watkins Island, the center of which lies at 446000 north, 713490 east in accordance with the Maryland State plane grid system (NAD27).

    Parcel 8

       A tract of land known as Islands Number 9, 10, and 11, located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, just southeast of Grapevine Island and southwest of Watkins Island.

    Parcel 9

       A tract of land known as Van Deventer Island which is located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, the center of which lies 4.3 miles due south of Poolesville, Maryland, and is also located directly across from the southern shoreline of the McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area.

    Parcel 10

       A tract of land known as Heater's Island which is located within the Potomac River, in Frederick County, and the center of which lies 3/4 of a mile southeast of Point of Rocks, Maryland.

    Parcel 11

       A tract of land known as Clagett Island, located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, southwest of Watkins Island, the center of which lies at 438200 north, 721770 east in accordance with the Maryland State plane grid system (NAD27).

    Parcel 12

       A tract of land known as Submarine Island, located within the Potomac River, in Montgomery County, 500 feet more or less northeast of Watkins Island, the center of which lies at 443870 north, 717100 east in accordance with the Maryland State plane grid system (NAD27).

       (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the Department may permit motorized boat access and use within the boundaries of the islands of the Potomac Wildland.

    (dd) Idylwild Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Caroline County containing approximately 570 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Idylwild Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, said point being the beginning of the 20th or north 40 degrees 35 minutes 12 seconds east 1030.57 foot line of a tract of land which by deed dated March 30, 1971 and recorded in the land records of Caroline County in Liber 173, Folio 69, was conveyed by Philip E. Nuttle, personal representative of the estate of Guy L. Wright, to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence with the center of Marshy Hope Creek in a southwesterly direction 11,040 feet more or less to a point, said point being the end of the 60th or north 37 degrees east 400 foot line of a tract of land known as the Idylwild Mill Pond property which by deed dated May 29, 1942 and recorded in the land records of Caroline County in Liber 102, Folio 285, was conveyed by the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Game and Inland Fish Commission, and running thence with the western edge of the said "Idylwild Millpond Property" and along the westernmost edge of Marshy Hope Creek in a southerly direction to the end of the 3rd line of the aforementioned deed from the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg to the State of Maryland, thence running due east 1800 feet more or less to a point on the east side of an old road, said point having Maryland State plane grid coordinates (NAD27) N319600 E1150300, thence running along the westernmost edge of said road, northeasterly 2550 feet more or less to a point, northwesterly 700 feet more or less to a point, northeasterly 4500 feet more or less to a point, thence running with the easternmost edge of said road, southeasterly 1700 feet more or less to a point, easterly 800 feet more or less to a point at the intersection of and on the westernmost edge of another road, thence running with the westernmost edge of said road northeasterly 300 feet more or less to the northernmost edge of a stream, thence running north 52 degrees west 2450 feet more or less to a point, north 40 degrees east 5700 feet more or less to a point, north 82 degrees 30 minutes west 1200 feet to a point, north 17 degrees east 2300 feet more or less, crossing Houston Branch, to a point, due east 800 feet more or less to a point, north 23 degrees east 3000 feet more or less to the end of 19th line of the aforementioned deed from Philip Nuttle to the State of Maryland and running thence with said 19th line reversed, north 87 degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds west 1223.00 feet to a point in the Marshy Hope Creek, thence with the 20th line reversed and with the centerline of said creek south 40 degrees 35 minutes 12 seconds west 1030.57 feet to the beginning.

    The wildland designation is subject to all rights and reservations set forth in a deed between the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg and the State of Maryland, recorded among the land records of Caroline County, at Liber 102, Folio 285, namely the right held by the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg to create, use and maintain a pond on the property for the purpose of municipal water supply and the rights held by the Eastern Shore Public Service Company or its successors to control use of any such pond and to construct and operate an electricity transmission distribution system on the property.

    (ee) Mingo Branch/Bush Cabin Run Wildland. -- Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Baltimore County containing approximately 1272 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "Mingo Branch/Bush Cabin Run Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, said point being distant south 45 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds east 30.00 feet from the beginning of a tract of land which by deed dated August 1, 1972 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5288, Folio 549, was conveyed by Stoneleigh Enterprises Inc. to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, south 45 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds east 496.44 feet to a concrete monument, north 40 degrees 50 minutes 54 seconds east 90.83 feet to a concrete monument, south 54 degrees 19 minutes 07 seconds east 1170.51 feet to a concrete monument, south 27 degrees 16 minutes 07 seconds west 504.71 feet to a concrete monument, north 11 degrees 05 minutes 07 seconds west 113.90 feet to a concrete monument, south 51 degrees 02 minutes 14 seconds west 980.25 feet to a concrete monument, south 50 degrees 17 minutes 38 seconds west 131.99 feet to a concrete monument, south 53 degrees 12 minutes 38 seconds west 314.98 feet to a concrete monument, said monument being the end of the 94th line of a tract of land which by deed dated May 16, 1963 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 4143, Folio 220, was conveyed by Harold M. Cummins to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forests and Parks, and running thence, south 23 degrees 09 minutes 53 seconds east 475.55 feet to a concrete monument, south 23 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds east 6.61 feet to a point on the north edge of the right of way line of the Susquehanna Transmission Company, and running thence, south 23 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds east 150 feet more or less to a point on the south edge of the right of way of the Susquehanna Transmission Company, and running thence, south 23 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds east 22.02 feet to a concrete monument, south 28 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds east 150.24 feet to a concrete monument, south 16 degrees 03 minutes 04 seconds east 148.74 feet to a concrete monument, south 25 degrees 51 minutes 07 seconds east 158.57 feet to a concrete monument, north 81 degrees 28 minutes 29 seconds east 70.24 feet to a concrete monument, south 38 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds east 86.63 feet to a concrete monument, south 38 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds east 27.20 feet to a point in Masemore Road, running thence with said road, north 52 degrees 34 minutes 18 seconds east 77.84 feet to a point, then leaving Masemore Road and running, south 42 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds east 330 feet to a point, north 44 degrees 42 minutes 35 seconds east 350.00 feet more or less to a point, north 44 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 430.00 feet to a point on the south side of Masemore Road thence running with the south side of said road in a northeasterly direction 460.00 feet more or less to a point, thence leaving said road and running south 40 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 450.00 feet more or less to a point, south 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 50.00 feet to a point, south 31 degrees 31 minutes 47 seconds east 302.84 feet to a concrete monument, north 83 degrees 55 minutes 05 seconds east 390.26 feet to a concrete monument, north 86 degrees 03 minutes 33 seconds east 414.50 feet to a concrete monument, north 56 degrees 01 minutes 14 seconds east 432.31 feet to a concrete monument, north 64 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds east 1082.66 feet to a concrete monument, north 66 degrees 39 minutes 04 seconds east 606.92 feet to a concrete monument, said monument being the beginning of the 16th line of a tract of land which by deed dated March 19, 1976 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5621, Folio 599, was conveyed by Russell N. and Helen R. Miller to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, south 15 degrees 34 minutes 43 seconds west 237.08 feet to a concrete monument, south 40 degrees 35 minutes 46 seconds east 300.67 feet to a concrete monument, north 66 degrees 45 minutes 43 seconds east 284.04 feet to a concrete monument, said monument being in the 7th line of parcel number 2 of a tract of land which by deed dated May 8, 1963 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 4148, Folio 582, was conveyed by the State Roads Commission of Maryland to the State of Maryland, Department of Forest and Parks, and running thence as delineated in the State Roads Commission plat numbered 28532, northeasterly 350 feet more or less to a point, northeasterly 335 feet more or less to a point, northeasterly 200 feet more or less to a point, northeasterly 115 feet more or less to intersect the westernmost right of way line of the Baltimore Harrisburg Expressway, thence running with the west side of said highway right of way in a southeasterly direction 2700.00 more or less feet to a point, thence leaving said right of way and running, south 57 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 400.00 more or less feet to a point, south 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 630.00 feet more or less to a point, south 66 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 200.00 feet more or less to a point, south 33 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 500.00 feet more or less to a point, south 01 degrees 40 minutes 12 seconds east 1150.00 feet more or less to a concrete monument stamped "DFP MD R-397", said monument being in the westernmost right of way line of the Baltimore Harrisburg Expressway, and running thence with said right of way and the northernmost right of way of Bunker Hill Road 1587.00 feet to a pipe, thence leaving said Bunker Hill Road right of way and running north 45 degrees 59 minutes 53 seconds east 663.00 feet to a pipe, north 66 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 185.00 feet to a point, south 53 degrees 14 minutes 36 seconds west 630 feet more or less to a pipe on the north side of Bunker Hill Road, thence running with the north side of said road in a northwesterly direction 640.00 feet more or less to a point, thence running across Bunker Hill Road south 00 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds east 225.00 feet to a pipe, south 15 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 300.00 feet more or less to a point, south 64 degrees 12 minutes 55 seconds west 480.00 feet more or less to a pipe, south 25 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 258.46 feet to a pipe, north 64 degrees 08 minutes 08 seconds east 978.35 feet to a point, south 22 degrees 33 minutes 01 seconds east 1315.00 feet more or less to a concrete monument, south 66 degrees 16 minutes 42 seconds west 1829.23 feet to a stone, south 11 degrees 19 minutes 34 seconds west 458.98 feet to a stone, south 62 degrees 12 minutes 48 seconds east 883.75 feet to a point in the westernmost right of way line of the Baltimore Harrisburg Expressway, thence running along said right of way and the northernmost right of way of Mount Carmel Road 3300.00 feet more or less to a concrete monument stamped "DFP MD R-364", said monument being the end of the 15th line of a tract of land which by deed dated October 31, 1964 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 4378, Folio 625, was conveyed by Luella T. Gordon and Francis W. Ennis to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, thence leaving said right of way and running, north 56 degrees 50 minutes 58 seconds west 200.50 feet to a concrete monument, north 08 degrees 35 minutes 58 seconds west 725.03 feet to a stone, north 45 degrees 31 minutes 45 seconds east 660.00 feet to a concrete monument, north 33 degrees 52 minutes 06 seconds west 636.38 feet to a concrete monument, north 16 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds west 2130.12 feet to a stone, said stone being the end of the 2nd line of a tract of land which by deed dated August 1, 1966 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 4655, Folio 310, was conveyed by Conservation Incorporated to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Forest and Parks, and running thence, north 33 degrees 17 minutes 52 seconds east 18.52 feet to a point, north 40 degrees 17 minutes 52 seconds east 615.75 feet to a point, north 13 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds west 171.04 feet to a point, north 75 degrees 45 minutes 38 seconds east 460.17 feet to a point, north 52 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds east 132.00 feet to a point on the northeast side of the Gunpowder Falls, thence running along the northeast side of Gunpowder Falls in a northwesterly direction 2700.00 feet more or less to a point, thence crossing the Gunpowder Falls and running south 55 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 950.00 feet more or less to a point, south 03 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 270.00 feet more or less to a point on the south bank of Cabin Run, thence running with the south bank of said run in a easterly direction 700.00 feet more or less to a point on the westernmost side of Masemore Road, thence running with the westernmost side of Masemore Road 2250.00 feet more or less to a point, thence running, north 52 degrees 14 minutes 16 seconds 30.00 feet more or less to a concrete monument stamped "DFP MD R-415", thence running, north 52 degrees 14 minutes 16 seconds 495.54 feet to a concrete monument, south 87 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds west 184.13 feet to a stone, south 87 degrees 37 minutes 31 seconds west 380.84 feet to a stone, south 55 degrees 56 minutes 44 seconds west 626.91 feet to a stone, south 51 degrees 13 minutes 41 seconds west 1979.80 feet to a concrete monument, north 51 degrees 42 minutes 42 seconds west 145.00 feet to a concrete monument, said monument being the end of the 2nd line of the first parcel of a tract of land which by deed dated March 23, 1973 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5345, Folio 171, was conveyed by George S. Wareheim to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence, south 45 degrees 05 minutes 39 seconds west 551.86 feet to a concrete monument, south 47 degrees 48 minutes 32 seconds west 268.06 feet to a concrete monument, south 46 degrees 55 minutes 25 seconds west 283.18 feet to a concrete monument, south 49 degrees 31 minutes 54 seconds west 480.16 feet to a concrete monument, south 55 degrees 27 minutes 26 seconds west 464.45 feet to a concrete monument, south 62 degrees 08 minutes 42 seconds west 1050.00 feet more or less to a point crossing over a concrete monument at 611.31 feet, thence running, south 35 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 650.00 feet to a point on the northern edge of Evna Road, thence running with the north edge of Evna Road in a westerly and northwesterly direction 2100.00 feet more or less to a point in the southernmost line of the right of way belonging to the Susquehanna Transmission Company of Maryland, and running thence with the southernmost line of said right of way in a northeasterly direction 4500.00 feet more or less to a point, said point being south 48 degrees 05 minutes 43 seconds east 305 feet more or less from the end of the 6th line of a tract of land which by deed dated January 18, 1971 and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 5176, Folio 234, was conveyed by John W. Strickland et. al. to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Department of Natural Resources, and running thence reversely with said line north 48 degrees 05 minutes 43 seconds west 618 feet more or less to a steel pipe, north 48 degrees 05 minutes 43 seconds west 1350.00 feet more or less to a point on the easternmost edge of Falls Road, and running thence with the eastern and southeastern edge of Falls Road 4800 feet more or less to the point of beginning.

    Saving and exempting the following day use area described as follows:

    Beginning at a point, said point being the beginning of the 54th line of a tract of land which by deed dated March 29, 1961, and recorded in the land records of Baltimore County in Liber 3853, Folio 429, was conveyed by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to the State of Maryland, to the use of the Department of Forests and Parks, and running thence, said point also being northwest of the confluence of the Gunpowder Falls and Mingo Branch and running thence, with the southernmost bank in a northerly and easterly direction 3400.00 feet more or less to a point on the southernmost bank of the Gunpowder Falls, said point being the end of the 64th line of the aforementioned deed, and running thence south 19 degrees 03 minutes 39 seconds east 566.28 feet to a point, south 35 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 450 feet more or less to a point on the easternmost side of Bunker Hill Road, thence running with the easternmost side of Bunker Hill Road in a southerly direction 600.00 feet more or less to a point, thence crossing Bunker Hill Road and running with the westernmost edge of an old road 900.00 feet more or less to a point, said point being situated south 70 degrees west 670.00 feet from the beginning of the aforementioned deed, thence running north 70 degrees 30 minutes west 1210 feet to the point of beginning.

    Saving and exempting all portions of Bunker Hill Road.

    Saving and exempting a parking area located northeast of Falls Road with Maryland grid coordinates N648900 E886400, with a radius of 200 feet more or less, and the existing 36 foot wide access road from Falls Road, said road being 900 feet in length.

    Saving and exempting the Baltimore Gas and Electric power line right of way located in the northwest portion of the above described wildland.

    (ff) South Savage Wildland. --

       (1) Pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, that property in Garrett County containing approximately 1,934 acres and described as follows is a Type 2 State wildland and shall be named the "South Savage Wildland":

    Beginning at a point, said point indicated as monument number 580 on a plat of survey by the United States Department of Agriculture titled "Survey of Land Purchased, Project LU-MD-38-2, Garrett County Maryland," said point also having coordinate values of north 627588.80, 213338.275 east (NAD 27), and then running with the easternmost boundary of the Savage River State Forest south 29 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds west 1,274.49 feet to a point, then running north 60 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west 1,237.64 feet to a point, then running south 30 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds west 2,515.17 feet to a point, then running north 66 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds west 828.28 feet to a point, then running south 25 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds west 1,035.27 feet to a point, then running south 66 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds east 690.58 feet to a point, then running south 29 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds west 1,630.27 feet to a point, then running south 48 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds west 1,113.26 feet to a point, then running south 89 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds west 332.41 feet to a point, then running south 18 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds west 1,876.31 feet to a point, then running north 71 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds west 749.32 feet to a point, then running south 22 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds west 803.01 feet to a point, then running south 57 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds west 232.67 feet to a pipe at corner 598, then leaving the easternmost boundary of Savage River State Forest and running north 77 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds west 243.47 feet to the centerline of a stream, then running with the center of said stream south 04 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds east 316.36 feet to a point, then running south 10 degrees 57 minutes 06 seconds west 223.70 feet to a point, then running south 42 degrees 00 minutes 33 seconds west 291.85 feet to a point, then running south 10 degrees 43 minutes 21 seconds west 405.45 feet to a point, then running south 38 degrees 18 minutes 14 seconds west 177.35 feet to a point, then running south 11 degrees 39 minutes 33 seconds west 234.73 feet to a point, then running south 08 degrees 59 minutes 46 seconds west 237.75 feet to a point, then running south 04 degrees 34 minutes 14 seconds west 322.25 feet to a point, then running south 21 degrees 33 minutes 55 seconds east 244.95 feet to a point, then running south 32 degrees 43 minutes 08 seconds east 395.64 feet to a point, then running south 14 degrees 15 minutes 44 seconds east 109.92 feet to a point, then running south 55 degrees 47 minutes 46 seconds east 292.43 feet to a point, then running south 32 degrees 05 minutes 17 seconds east 392.98 feet to a point, then running south 14 degrees 49 minutes 53 seconds east 474.86 feet to a point, then running south 10 degrees 58 minutes 02 seconds east 377.57 feet to a point, then running south 06 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds west 344.23 feet to a point, then running south 16 degrees 10 minutes 05 seconds west 330.20 feet to a point, then running south 40 degrees 35 minutes 53 seconds west 292.21 feet to a point, then running south 05 degrees 42 minutes 44 seconds west 266.54 feet to a point, then running south 30 degrees 23 minutes 38 seconds west 166.80 feet to a point at the edge of an existing road, then leaving aforementioned stream and running at the base of Big Savage Mountain north 74 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds west 654.05 feet to a point, then running south 85 degrees 27 minutes 31 seconds west 954.17 feet to a point, then running north 37 degrees 38 minutes 52 seconds west 333.52 feet to a point, then running south 49 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds west 685.27 feet to a point, then running north 71 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds west 652.80 feet to a point, then running north 85 degrees 08 minutes 44 seconds west 1,186.18 feet to a point, then running north 86 degrees 47 minutes 03 seconds west 586.33 feet to a point, then running north 44 degrees 54 minutes 31 seconds west 687.53 feet to a point, then running north 74 degrees 02 minutes 54 seconds west 228.75 feet to a point, then running north 81 degrees 55 minutes 49 seconds west 458.76 feet to a point, then running north 87 degrees 12 minutes 07 seconds west 397.99 feet to a point, then running north 80 degrees 39 minutes 57 seconds west 258.69 feet to a point, then running north 38 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds west 199.63 feet to a point, then running north 02 degrees 59 minutes 27 seconds west 275.16 feet to a point, then running north 04 degrees 47 minutes 17 seconds west 372.59 feet to a point, then running north 13 degrees 23 minutes 55 seconds west 422.52 feet to a point, then running north 19 degrees 18 minutes 17 seconds west 805.12 feet to a point, then running north 66 degrees 50 minutes 12 seconds west 467.21 feet to the easternmost boundary of the Big Savage Mountain Wildland, then running with the easternmost boundary of said Wildland north 09 degrees 42 minutes 43 seconds east 1,074.90 feet to a point, then running north 00 degrees 29 minutes 39 seconds east 487.76 feet to a point, then running north 16 degrees 36 minutes 19 seconds east 657.34 feet to a point, then running north 22degrees 59 minutes 23 seconds east 660.24 feet to a point, then running north 27 degrees 44 minutes 26 seconds east 581.93 feet to a point, then running north 45 degrees 08 minutes 06 seconds east 468.08 feet to a point, then running north 66 degrees 30 minutes 40 seconds east 905.64 feet to a point, then running north 77 degrees 06 minutes 01 seconds east 724.19 feet to a point, then running north 82 degrees 51 minutes 58 seconds east 624.35 feet to a point, then running south 51 degrees 25 minutes 01 seconds east 312.48 feet to a point, then running south 64 degrees 40 minutes 58 seconds east 179.02 feet to a point, then running north 46 degrees 47 minutes 13 seconds east 12,723.48 feet to a point intersecting the southernmost edge of the High Rock Fire Tower Road, then running with the southernmost edge of said road south 60 degrees 02 minutes 01 seconds east 367.54 feet to a point, then running south 76 degrees 17 minutes 39 seconds east 747.93 feet to a point, then running north 87 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds east 558.94 feet to a point, then running south 52 degrees 04 minutes 35 seconds east 379.26 feet to a point, then running north 82 degrees 00 minutes 19 seconds east 112.27 feet to a point in the westernmost right of way of Westernport Road, then running with the westernmost right of way of said road south 34 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds east 733.80 feet to a point, then leaving said road and running south 22 degrees 18 minutes 38 seconds west 1,285.97 feet to the point of beginning.

       (2) (i) The South Savage Wildland area provides a unique site for the study of environmental sciences and offers an outstanding value for education, research, and enhanced understanding of natural processes and related economic, sociological, and cultural benefits.

          (ii) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, the Department may allow research study in the South Savage Wildland area that involves some activities that are generally restricted or prohibited in State wildland areas, if the Department determines that the activities will not cause adverse impacts to the wildland resources and the ecological values of the site.

          (iii) The Department and the University System of Maryland, through its constituent institutions Frostburg State University and the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, shall develop a comprehensive plan for the site setting forth the timing, duration, and general scope of the research activities to be allowed, subject to public review and comment and subject to approval by the Secretary.

HISTORY: An. Code 1957, art. 66C, § 345B-345D; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 4, § 1; 1980, ch. 444; 1981, ch. 2, § 3; ch. 144; 1984, ch. 184; 1985, ch. 10, § 3; ch. 165; 1986, ch. 624; 1987, ch. 346; 1988, ch. 6, § 1; ch. 749; 1990, ch. 441; 1991, ch. 55, § 1; ch. 387, § 2; ch. 657, § 2; 1996, ch. 350; 1997, ch. 14, § 1; chs. 567, 568; 1998, ch. 21, § 1; 2002, ch. 174.