§ 9-670. Definitions  

Latest version.

  •    (a) In general. -- In this Part XI of this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b) Disabled. -- "Disabled" means rendered unable as the result of an accidental personal injury or an occupational disease to perform work for which the person was previously qualified.

    (c) Suitable gainful employment. -- "Suitable gainful employment" means employment, including self-employment, that restores the disabled covered employee, to the extent possible, to the level of support at the time of:

       (1) if an accidental personal injury, the accidental personal injury; or

       (2) if an occupational disease, disablement from the occupational disease.

    (d) Vocational assessment. -- "Vocational assessment" means:

       (1) collecting and analyzing each of the economic, educational, legal, medical, social, and vocational circumstances of a disabled covered employee, including the present mental and physical ability of the covered employee to participate in vocational rehabilitation services; and

       (2) determining the appropriate vocational rehabilitation services reasonably necessary to return the disabled covered employee to suitable gainful employment.

    (e) Vocational rehabilitation services. --

       (1) "Vocational rehabilitation services" means professional services reasonably necessary during or after or both during and after medical treatment to enable a disabled covered employee, as soon as practical, to secure suitable gainful employment.

       (2) "Vocational rehabilitation services" includes:

          (i) coordination of medical services;

          (ii) vocational assessment;

          (iii) vocational evaluation;

          (iv) vocational counseling;

          (v) vocational rehabilitation plan development;

          (vi) vocational rehabilitation plan monitoring;

          (vii) vocational rehabilitation training;

          (viii) job development; and

          (ix) job placement.

HISTORY: An. Code 1957, art. 101, § 36; 1991, ch. 8, § 2; 1992, ch. 22, § 1, 12.