Unannotated Code of Maryland (Last Updated: May 16, 2014) |
§ 11-803. Workforce Creation and Adult Education Transition Council.
Latest version.
(a) Council established. -- There is a Workforce Creation and Adult Education Transition Council in the Department to coordinate the Integration of Adult Education and Literacy Services with the Division of Workforce Development and its programs.
(b) Members. -- The Transition Council shall consist of the following members:
(1) one member of the Senate, appointed by the President;
(2) one member of the House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker;
(3) the Secretary, who shall serve as Cochair;
(4) the Secretary of the Department of Business and Economic Development;
(5) the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services;
(6) the State Superintendent of Schools, who shall serve as Cochair;
(7) the Secretary of Higher Education;
(8) the Chancellor of the University System of Maryland;
(9) a representative of the Maryland Association for Adult Community and Continuing Education;
(10) a representative of the Maryland Workforce Development Association;
(11) a representative of the Maryland Association of Community Colleges;
(12) the Chair of the Governor's Workforce Investment Board; and
(13) ten members appointed by the Governor, including representatives from the following communities of interest:
(i) family literacy;
(ii) adult basic education;
(iii) career and technical education;
(iv) workplace literacy;
(v) correctional education;
(vi) community libraries;
(vii) English as a second language providers;
(viii) organized labor;
(ix) employers; and
(x) nonprofit organizations involved in programs to promote economic self-sufficiency.
(c) Duties of Council. -- The Transition Council shall:
(1) develop a plan for the seamless transition of the adult education, literacy, and correctional education programs from the State Department of Education to the Department;
(2) actively assist in the development of a new State plan for adult education;
(3) identify existing adult education programs in other units of State government and develop strategies to make the agencies part of a coordinated program;
(4) recommend a framework for a new State system of delivering adult education and workforce programs through the Department that:
(i) provides for the effective alignment of adult education, literacy, and correctional education programs with workforce development programs;
(ii) tracks outcomes of adult education students; and
(iii) is consistent with applicable federal laws;
(5) review the overlapping responsibilities of correctional education as they relate to implementation of adult correctional education and juvenile services education;
(6) determine the advisability of transferring correctional education services in light of the potential negative impact the transfer could have on the effective operation of juvenile services education; and
(7) recommend the composition and responsibilities of a State Advisory Council on Adult Education, Literacy, and Workforce Development.
(d) Staff. -- The Department shall provide staff to the Transition Council.
(e) Report and recommendations. --
(1) On or before December 31, 2008, the Transition Council shall complete its work and shall report to the Governor and, subject to the provisions of § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, to the General Assembly, on its activities and recommendations.
(2) The report shall include a summary of the plan for the seamless transition of the adult education, literacy, and correctional education programs from the State Department of Education including:
(i) strategies for ensuring program continuity for clients of the affected programs;
(ii) strategies for ensuring continuity in the State administration of affected grant programs;
(iii) provisions regarding affected employees, including a specific analysis of the transfer of employees with shared responsibilities for adult correctional education and juvenile services education such as grant managers and program coordinators;
(iv) strategies for coordinating the activities and responsibilities of units of State government involved in administering the transferred programs; and
(v) strategies for addressing potential challenges to implementing the transition of the affected programs in a manner that ensures the continued delivery of quality content to clients of the affected programs.