§ 15-1630. Internal review process  

Latest version.

  •    (a) Duty to establish. -- A pharmacy benefits manager shall establish a reasonable internal review process for a pharmacy to request the review of a failure to pay the contractual reimbursement amount of a submitted claim.

    (b) Request for review. -- A pharmacy may request a pharmacy benefits manager to review a failure to pay the contractual reimbursement amount of a claim within 180 calendar days after the date the submitted claim was paid by the pharmacy benefits manager.

    (c) Notice of review decision. -- The pharmacy benefits manager shall give written notice of its review decision within 90 calendar days after receipt of a request for review from a pharmacy under this section.

    (d) Underpayment. -- If the pharmacy benefits manager determines through the internal review process established under subsection (a) of this section that the pharmacy benefits manager underpaid a pharmacy, the pharmacy benefits manager shall pay any money due to the pharmacy within 30 working days after completion of the internal review process.

    (e) Construction of section. -- This section may not be construed to limit the ability of a pharmacy and a pharmacy benefits manager to contractually agree that a pharmacy may have more than 180 calendar days to request an internal review of a failure of the pharmacy benefits manager to pay the contractual amount of a submitted claim.

HISTORY: 2008, ch. 36, § 6; ch. 262.