§ 21-2A-06. Prescription monitoring data  

Latest version.

  •    (a) Confidentiality. -- Prescription monitoring data:

       (1) Are confidential and privileged, and not subject to discovery, subpoena, or other means of legal compulsion in civil litigation;

       (2) Are not public records; and

       (3) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (d) of this section or as otherwise provided by law, may not be disclosed to any person.

    (b) Disclosure. -- The Program shall disclose prescription monitoring data, in accordance with regulations adopted by the Secretary, to:

       (1) A prescriber, or a licensed health care practitioner authorized by the prescriber, in connection with the medical care of a patient;

       (2) A dispenser, or a licensed health care practitioner authorized by the dispenser, in connection with the dispensing of a monitored prescription drug;

       (3) A federal law enforcement agency or a State or local law enforcement agency, on issuance of a subpoena, for the purpose of furthering an existing bona fide individual investigation;

       (4) A licensing entity, on issuance of an administrative subpoena voted on by a quorum of the board of the licensing entity, for the purposes of furthering an existing bona fide individual investigation;

       (5) A rehabilitation program under a health occupations board, on issuance of an administrative subpoena;

       (6) A patient with respect to prescription monitoring data about the patient;

       (7) Subject to subsection (g) of this section, the authorized administrator of another state's prescription drug monitoring program;

       (8) The following units of the Department, on approval of the Secretary, for the purpose of furthering an existing bona fide individual investigation:

          (i) The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner;

          (ii) The Maryland Medical Assistance Program;

          (iii) The Office of the Inspector General;

          (iv) The Office of Health Care Quality; and

          (v) The Division of Drug Control; or

       (9) The technical advisory committee established under § 21-2A-07 of this subtitle for the purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section.

    (c) Review and guidance of request for information. -- Before the Program discloses information under subsection (b)(3), (4), (5), (7), or (8) of this section, the technical advisory committee to the Program shall:

       (1) Review the requests for information;

       (2) Provide clinical guidance and interpretation of the information requested to the Secretary to assist in the Secretary's decision on how to respond to a judicial subpoena, administrative subpoena, or other request; and

       (3) Provide clinical guidance and interpretation of the information requested to the authorized recipient of the information.

    (d) Disclosure of data received by persons prohibited. -- Except as provided by regulations adopted by the Secretary, a person who receives prescription monitoring data from the Program may not disclose the data.

    (e) Disclosure of data for other purposes. --

       (1) In addition to the disclosures required under subsection (b) of this section, the Program may disclose prescription monitoring data for research, analysis, public reporting, and education:

          (i) After redaction of all information that could identify a patient, prescriber, dispenser, or any other individual; and

          (ii) In accordance with regulations adopted by the Secretary.

       (2) The Secretary may require submission of an abstract explaining the scope and purpose of the research, analysis, public reporting, or education before disclosing prescription monitoring data under this subsection.

    (f) Injunction or other relief. -- The Office of the Attorney General may seek appropriate injunctive or other relief to maintain the confidentiality of prescription monitoring data as required under this section.

    (g) Providing of data to another state. -- The Program may provide prescription monitoring data to another state's prescription drug monitoring program only if the other state's prescription drug monitoring program agrees to use the prescription monitoring data in a manner consistent with the provisions of this subtitle.

    (h) Request and receive data from another state. -- The Program may:

       (1) Request and receive prescription monitoring data from another state's prescription drug monitoring program and use the prescription monitoring data in a manner consistent with the provisions of this subtitle; and

       (2) Develop the capability to transmit prescription monitoring data to and receive prescription monitoring data from other prescription drug monitoring programs employing the standards of interoperability.

    (i) Written agreements. -- The Program may enter into written agreements with other states' prescription drug monitoring programs for the purpose of establishing the terms and conditions for sharing prescription monitoring data under this section.

    (j) Use of data for imposing clinical practice standards prohibited. -- Prescription monitoring data may not be used as the basis for imposing clinical practice standards.

HISTORY: 2011, ch. 166, § 2; 2013, ch. 177.