§ 5-903. Statewide program established; application of subtitle; Department's duties; regulations  

Latest version.

  •    (a) Statewide program established; application of subtitle. -- There is a statewide program within the Department for the conservation, regulation, enhancement, creation, monitoring, and wise use of nontidal wetlands.

    (b) Department's duties. -- The Department shall:

       (1) Coordinate with other State agencies, federal agencies, other states, local governments, and interested persons in the regulation of nontidal wetlands;

       (2) Assist local governments in undertaking nontidal wetland management planning, including mapping, technical assistance, and expediting the permit process;

       (3) Develop certification programs to ensure uniform and professional standards for the identification, delineation, functional assessment, and mitigation of nontidal wetlands;

       (4) Evaluate proposed activities on nontidal wetlands and grant or deny permits or other approvals of proposed activities;

       (5) Conduct watershed studies and educational programs and disseminate information concerning the nontidal wetlands program;

       (6) Prepare, adopt, and periodically revise guidance maps of nontidal wetlands;

       (7) Adopt standards for planning, regulating, restoring, creating, and enhancing nontidal wetlands;

       (8) Purchase, restore, and create nontidal wetlands; and

       (9) Conduct periodic monitoring, cumulative impact assessment, and evaluation of activities authorized under this subtitle.

    (c) Regulations. -- By December 31, 1989 the Department shall adopt final regulations necessary to administer this subtitle, in accordance with § 10-111 (a) of the State Government Article.

HISTORY: 1989, ch. 536; 1990, ch. 6, § 2; 1993, ch. 141; 1995, ch. 488, § 1.