§ 8-412. Wicomico County

Latest version.

  •    (a) "License" defined. -- In this section, "license" means a beer tasting (BT) license, a wine tasting (WT) license, or a beer/wine tasting (BWT) license.

    (b) Applicability. -- This section applies only in Wicomico County.

    (c) Licensing. --

       (1) The Board of License Commissioners may issue a:

          (i) Beer tasting (BT) license for beer tasting and sampling;

          (ii) Wine tasting (WT) license for wine tasting and sampling; and

          (iii) Beer/wine tasting (BWT) license for beer or wine tasting and sampling.

       (2) A license may be issued only to a holder of a Class A beer and wine (off-sale) license or a Class A beer, wine and liquor (off-sale) license.

    (d) Annual fee. -- The annual fee is:

       (1) For a BT license, $ 150;

       (2) For a WT license, $ 150; and

       (3) For a BWT license, $ 250.

    (e) Application form. --

       (1) An application for a license shall be made on a form that the Board of License Commissioners provides.

       (2) A renewal of the license may be made at the time the Class A beer and wine (off-sale) license or the Class A beer, wine and liquor (off-sale) license is renewed.

       (3) The Board of License Commissioners may grant a license without a hearing.

       (4) If application for a license is denied, the applicant may request a public hearing before the Board of License Commissioners.

    (f) Applicable rules. --

       (1) An individual may be served, for sampling or tasting purposes, not more than:

          (i) 1 ounce of wine from each brand; or

          (ii) 3 ounces of beer from each brand.

       (2) A maximum of:

          (i) Six bottles of wine may be open at any one time at a wine or beer and wine sampling or tasting event; or

          (ii) Six containers of beer may be open at any one time at a beer or beer and wine sampling or tasting event.

       (3) The total number of days during which beer, wine, or beer and wine sampling or tasting events may be held may not exceed 50 in any period for which a license is in effect.

       (4) A license holder shall notify the Board of License Commissioners in writing at least 5 days before a beer, wine, or beer and wine sampling or tasting event.

       (5) Once opened, each bottle or container used for a beer, wine, or beer and wine sampling or tasting event shall be marked that it is to be used for that purpose only.

       (6) The contents of each bottle or container may not be mixed with any other bottle or container, and all bottles and containers shall be destroyed once they are empty.

    (g) On-premises. --

       (1) A license is for on-premises consumption only.

       (2) Beer, wine, or beer and wine sampling or tasting may not be conducted from a drive-through window.

    (h) Regulations. -- The Board of License Commissioners may adopt regulations to carry out this section.

HISTORY: 2000, ch. 383; 2006, ch. 44; 2010, ch. 419; 2013, chs. 460, 461.